Spring Semester 2020: Withdrawal of Courses (Except Pharmacy) by 10 May 2020
Saturday, 2 May 2020
Notice Details
EWU (RO)18/20-303 02 May 2020
Spring Semester 2020: Withdrawal of Courses (Except Pharmacy) by 10 May 2020
Due to the closure of the university caused by the COVID-19 from 17 March 2020, many students could not withdraw the course/s within the period mentioned in the Spring Semester 2020 Academic Calendar. However, the students (Except Pharmacy) who want to withdraw course/s may do so by10 May 2020 using the Online Advising portal http://portal.ewubd.edu/ following the guidelines outlined below:
Requests for withdrawal will not be accepted for students who do not follow the above guidelines.
Students (Except Pharmacy) who have registered for Spring Semester 2020 and wish to withdraw the entire Spring Semester 2020, should mail to: [email protected], providing the following information:
Subject: Withdrawal of Spring 2020, Student’s EWU ID:
Also need to provide the following information on the body of Email:
a. Name of the Student:
b. EWU ID of the student:
c. Withdrawal of Spring Semester 2020.
This notice has been issued with the kind approval of the Vice Chancellor.
Mashfiqur Rahman
East West University