Notice: Payment of Tuition Fees/Outstanding Dues
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Notice Details
EWU (RO)18/20-306 05 May 2020
Payment of Tuition Fees/Outstanding Dues
Students of East West University who could not pay the tuition fees of Spring Semester 2020 or who have outstanding dues with the university may pay the same in any branch of the following three banks. These banks have branches all over the country:
Name of Banks:
- Bank Asia Limited
- United Commercial Bank Limited
- One Bank Limited
In order to pay the outstanding tuition fees for Spring Semester 2020, the students need to present the Advising Slip of Spring Semester 2020 to any of the above three Banks. If the Advising Slip of Spring Semester 2020 is not available to the students, they can fill in the Deposit Slip (available on the webpage of EWU) and pay the outstanding tuition fee or any other arrears to any one of the above three banks.
Similarly, in order to pay the tuition fees of Summer Semester 2020, the students have to present the Advising Slip or the Deposit Slip of Summer Semester 2020 to any of the above three banks.
If any student wants to know the amount due, they can Email to the following address mentioning the student’s name, EWU ID number and mobile number: Mr. Md. Abdul Kadir, Sr. Accounts Officer, Email: [email protected]
This notice has been issued with the kind approval of the Vice Chancellor.
Mashfiqur Rahman
East West University