Faculty Members Publication
Billah, K.; Sharif, H.O.; Dessouky, S. How Gender Affects Motor Vehicle Crashes: A Case Study from San Antonio, Texas. Sustainability 2022, 14, 7023. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14127023.
Sustainability 2022, 14(12), 7023; https://doi.org/10.3390/su14127023
Traffic crashes are among the leading causes of injuries and fatalities worldwide. The main assumption of this study is that traffic crash rates, injury severity, and driving behaviors differ by the driver’s gender. Utilizing ten years (2011–2020) of data from the Texas Crash Record and Information System database, this study investigates how some of the most prominent driving behaviors leading to crashes and severe injuries (distracted driving, speeding, lane departure, and driving under influence) vary by gender in San Antonio, Texas. The spatial distribution of crashes associated with these driving behaviors by gender is also investigated, as well as the influence of some environmental and temporal variables on crash frequency and injury severity. This study adopted bivariate analysis and logistic regression modeling to identify the effect of different variables on crash occurrence and severity by gender. Male drivers were more likely to be involved in a speeding/DUI/lane departure-related crash and subsequent severe injuries. However, female drivers were slightly more associated with distracted-driving crashes and subsequent injuries. Nighttime, interstate/highway roads, the weekend period, and divider/marked lanes as the primary traffic control significantly increased the crash and injury risk of male drivers. Driving behavior-related crashes were mostly concentrated on some interstate road segments, major intersections, and interchanges. The results from this study can be used by authorities and policy-makers to prioritize the use of limited resources, and to run more effective education campaigns to a targeted audience.
Mia, M.F.; Dessouky, S.; Weissmann, J.; Sharif, H.O.; Billah, K. Geo-Locating and Identifying Wrong-Way Driving Entrance Points in Bexar County Highways by Implementing Mathematical Modeling and Land-Use Impact Assessment. Sustainability 2022, 14, 33.
Sustainability 2022, 14(1), 33; https://doi.org/10.3390/su14010033
Wrong-way driving (WWD) leads to high severity crashes and is a major concern for transportation managers. This study aims to identify WWD entry points of urban highway ramps and develop an analysis methodology using basic knowledge of WWD occurrences. The methodology examines the origin and driving behavior of impaired drivers by utilizing a land-use impact assessment (alcohol-serving establishments (ASE) proximity to exit ramps) and analyzing three distinct mathematical models: wrong-way driving events excluding 911 call analysis, wrong-way driving events including 911 call analysis, and 911 calls without wrong-way driving crashes. Data were collected and implemented from Google Maps, the 911 call database, wrong-way crash database, ASE location database, and a video camera database of a recent WWD study. Out of a total 543 exit ramps, 213 exit ramps are associated with approximately 98% of total WWD entries. The hotspots analysis of WWD entrance locations have found four major hotspots locations in Bexar County, Texas study area: 410 Loop near Culebra Road and Jackson Keller Road, 1604 Loop near US-281 highway, and IH-10 near the Medical Drive area. Outcomes of this study include a methodology for determining WWD entry locations of regional highways.
Billah, K.; Sharif, H.O.; Dessouky, S. Analysis of Bicycle-Motor Vehicle Crashes in San Antonio, Texas. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 9220. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18179220
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18(17), 9220; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18179220
Bicycling is inexpensive, environmentally friendly, and healthful; however, bicyclist safety is a rising concern. This study investigates bicycle crash-related key variables that might substantially differ in terms of the party at fault and bicycle facility presence. Employing 5 year (2014–2018) data from the Texas Crash Record and Information System database, the effect of these variables on bicyclist injury severity was assessed for San Antonio, Texas, using bivariate analysis and binary logistic regression. Severe injury risk based on the party at fault and bicycle facility presence varied significantly for different crash-related variables. The strongest predictors of severe bicycle injury include bicyclist age and ethnicity, lighting condition, road class, time of occurrence, and period of week. Driver inattention and disregard of stop sign/light were the primary contributing factors to bicycle-vehicle crashes. Crash density heatmap and hotspot analyses were used to identify high-risk locations. The downtown area experienced the highest crash density, while severity hotspots were located at intersections outside of the downtown area. This study recommends the introduction of more dedicated/protected bicycle lanes, separation of bicycle lanes from the roadway, mandatory helmet use ordinance, reduction in speed limit, prioritization of resources at high-risk locations, and implementation of bike-activated signal detection at signalized intersections.
Billah, K.; Le, T.B.; Sharif, H.O. Data- and Model-Based Discharge Hindcasting over a Subtropical River Basin. Water 2021, 13, 2560. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13182560
Water 2021, 13(18), 2560; https://doi.org/10.3390/w13182560
This study aims to evaluate the performance of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), a simple Auto-Regressive with eXogenous input (ARX) model, and a gene expression programming (GEP)-based model in one-day-ahead discharge prediction for the upper Kentucky River Basin. Calibration of the models were carried out for the period of 2002–2005 using daily flow at a stream gauging station unaffected by the flow regulation. Validation of the calibrated models were executed for the period of 2008–2010 at the same gauging station along with another station 88 km downstream. GEP provided the best calibration (coefficient of determination (R) value 0.94 and Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) value of 0.88) and validation (R values of 0.93 and 0.93, NSE values of 0.87 and 0.87, respectively) results at the two gauging stations. While SWAT performed reasonably well in calibration (R value 0.85 and NSE value 0.72), its performance somewhat degraded in validation (R values of 0.85 and 0.82, NSE values of 0.65 and 0.65, for the two stations). ARX performed very well in calibration (R value 0.92, NSE value 0.82) and reasonably well in validation (R values of 0.88 and 0.92, NSE values of 0.76 and 0.85) at the two stations. Research results suggest that sophisticated hydrological models could be outperformed by simple data-driven models and GEP has the advantage to generate functional relationships that allows investigation of the complex nonlinear interrelationships among the input variables.
Billah, K.; Adegbite, Q.; Sharif, H.O.; Dessouky, S.; Simcic, L. Analysis of Intersection Traffic Safety in the City of San Antonio, 2013–2017. Sustainability 2021, 13, 5296. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13095296
Sustainability 2021, 13(9), 5296; https://doi.org/10.3390/su13095296
An understanding of the contributing factors to severe intersection crashes is crucial for developing countermeasures to reduce crash numbers and severity at high-risk crash locations. This study examined the variables affecting crash incidence and crash severity at intersections in San Antonio over a five-year period (2013–2017) and identified high-risk locations based on crash frequency and injury severity using data from the Texas Crash Record and Information System database. Bivariate analysis and binary logistic regression, along with respective odds ratios, were used to identify the most significant variables contributing to severe intersection crashes by quantifying their association with crash severity. Intersection crashes were predominantly clustered in the downtown area with relatively less severe crashes. Males and older drivers, weekend driving, nighttime driving, dark lighting conditions, grade and hillcrest road alignment, and crosswalk, divider and marked lanes used as traffic control significantly increased crash severity risk at intersections. Prioritizing resource allocation to high-risk intersections, separating bicycle lanes and sidewalks from the roadway, improving lighting facilities, increasing law enforcement activity during the late night hours of weekend, and introducing roundabouts at intersections with stops and signals as traffic controls are recommended countermeasures.
Billah, K.; Sharif, H.O.; Dessouky, S. Analysis of Pedestrian–Motor Vehicle Crashes in San Antonio, Texas. Sustainability 2021, 13, 6610. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13126610
Sustainability 2021, 13(12), 6610; https://doi.org/10.3390/su13126610
Pedestrian safety is becoming a global concern and an understanding of the contributing factors to severe pedestrian crashes is crucial. This study analyzed crash data for San Antonio, TX, over a six-year period to understand the effects of pedestrian–vehicle crash-related variables on pedestrian injury severity based on the party at fault and to identify high-risk locations. Bivariate analysis and logistic regression were used to identify the most significant predictors of severe pedestrian crashes. High-risk locations were identified through heat maps and hotspot analysis. A failure to yield the right of way and driver inattention were the primary contributing factors to pedestrian–vehicle crashes. Fatal and incapacitating injury risk increased substantially when the pedestrian was at fault. The strongest predictors of severe pedestrian injury include the lighting condition, the road class, the speed limit, traffic control, collision type, the age of the pedestrian, and the gender of the pedestrian. The downtown area had the highest crash density, but crash severity hotspots were identified outside of the downtown area. Resource allocation to high-risk locations, a reduction in the speed limit, an upgrade of the lighting facilities in high pedestrian activity areas, educational campaigns for targeted audiences, the implementation of more crosswalks, pedestrian refuge islands, raised medians, and the use of leading pedestrian interval and hybrid beacons are recommended.
Billah, K.; Sharif, H.O.; Dessouky, S. Bivariate-Logit-Based Severity Analysis for Motorcycle Crashes in Texas, 2017–2021. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10377. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151310377
Sustainability 2023, 15(13), 10377; https://doi.org/10.3390/su151310377
Due to the number of severe traffic collisions involving motorcycles, a comprehensive investigation is required to determine their causes. This study analyzed Texas crash data from 2017 to 2021 to determine who was at fault and how various factors affect the frequency and severity of motorcycle collisions. Moreover, the study tried to identify high-risk sites for motorcycle crashes. Utilizing bivariate analysis and logistic regression models, the study investigated the individual and combined effects of several variables. Heat maps and hotspot analyses were used to identify locations with a high incidence of both minor and severe motorcycle crashes. The survey showed that dangerous speed, inattention, lane departure, and failing to surrender the right-of-way at a stop sign or during a left turn were the leading causes of motorcycle crashes. When a motorcyclist was at fault, the likelihood of severe collisions was much higher. The study revealed numerous elements as strong predictors of catastrophic motorcycle crashes, including higher speed limits, poor illumination, darkness during the weekend, dividers or designated lanes as the principal road traffic control, an increased age of the primary crash victim, and the lack of a helmet. The concentration of motorcycle collisions was found to be relatively high in city cores, whereas clusters of severe motorcycle collisions were detected on road segments beyond city limits. This study recommends implementing reduced speed limits on high-risk segments, mandating helmet use, prioritizing resource allocation to high-risk locations, launching educational campaigns to promote safer driving practices and the use of protective gear, and inspecting existing conditions as well as the road geometry of high-risk locations to reduce the incidence and severity of motorcycle crashes.
Billah, K.; Sharif, H.O.; Dessouky, S. Statistical and Spatial Analysis of Large Truck Crashes in Texas (2017–2021). Sustainability 2024, 16, 2780. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16072780
Sustainability 2024, 16(7), 2780; https://doi.org/10.3390/su16072780
Freight transportation, dominated by trucks, is an integral part of trade and production in the USA. Given the prevalence of large truck crashes, a comprehensive investigation is imperative to ascertain the underlying causes. This study analyzed 2017–2021 Texas crash data to identify factors impacting large truck crash rates and injury severity and to locate high-risk zones for severe incidents. Logistic regression models and bivariate analysis were utilized to assess the impacts of various crash-related variables individually and collectively. Heat maps and hotspot analysis were employed to pinpoint areas with a high frequency of both minor and severe large truck crashes. The findings of the investigation highlighted night-time no-passing zones and marked lanes as primary road traffic control, highway or FM roads, a higher posted road speed limit, dark lighting conditions, male and older drivers, and curved road alignment as prominent contributing factors to large truck crashes. Furthermore, in cases where the large truck driver was determined not to be at fault, the likelihood of severe collisions significantly increased. The study’s findings urge policymakers to prioritize infrastructure improvements like dual left-turn lanes and extended exit ramps while advocating for wider adoption of safety technologies like lane departure warnings and autonomous emergency braking. Additionally, public awareness campaigns aimed at reducing distracted driving and drunk driving, particularly among truck drivers, could significantly reduce crashes. By implementing these targeted solutions, we can create safer roads for everyone in Texas.
Adegbite, Q., Billah, K., Sharif, H., Dessouky, S., 2019. Urban Intersections and Traffic Safety in the City of San Antonio. MATEC Web of Conferences.
Intersections are high-risk locations on roadways and often experience high incidence of crashes. Better understanding of the factors contributing to crashes and deaths at intersections is crucial. This study analyzed the factors related to crash incidence and crash severity at intersections in San Antonio for crashes from 2013 to 2017 and identified hotspot locations based on crash frequency and crash rates. Binary logistic regression model was considered for the analysis using crash severity as the response variable. Factors found to be significantly associated with the severity of intersection crashes include age of driver, day of the week, month, road alignment, and traffic control system. The crashes occurred predominantly in the highdensity center of the city (downtown area). Overall, the identification of risk factors and their impact on crash severity would be helpful for road safety policymakers to develop proactive mitigation plans to reduce the frequency and severity of intersection crashes.
Journal Publication
- Shah, Adity Rahman, "Best Interest of the Child” Principle: The New Feather to the Crown of Business Accountability regarding Workers’ Health Rights in Bangladesh"Business and Human Rights Journal , Cambridge University Press. (Q1) (Accepted)
- Shah, Adity Rahman,“The Un-peopling of Peoples: A Critical Study on the Justifiability of the Non-recognition of the Indigenous Peoples of the Chittagong Hill Tracts”,The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Vol 7, p 372 (Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff,) 2023-04.
- "Shah, Adity Rahman, “Preventing Abuse and Neglect of Parents in Bangladesh: From Religious Dogmas to Legislative Initiatives” as a book chapter in “Elder Abuse and Neglect: In Selected Asian Countries”, University of Malaya Press, Page 89-109.
- Shah, Adity Rahman, “A Comparative Study of Common Law Jurisdictions on Exclusion Clause and its Ramifications on Consumer Rights: Bangladeshi Law in Context”, Bangladesh Journal of Law (2017), Vol. I & II (June-December), Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA), Page 169-200.
Conference & Seminars
- Shah, Adity Rahman, “The City, Human and Animals: An Analytical Approach of the City-laws Regulating Stray Animal from Bangladesh Perspective” , 14th Annual McGill Law Graduate Conference "Law and the City", (6th May 2021), Faculty of Law, McGill University, Canada.
- Shah, Adity Rahman, “The Importance of Empowerment of Indigenous Woman for Poverty Eradication in Bangladesh: A Critical Approach to the Existing Gaps in the Legal Framework”, 4th UIU-International Conference on Sustainable Development 2020,(18-19 February, 2020), Institute of Development Studies and Sustainability (IDSS), United International University(UIU), OXFAM, UNESCO, Kyoto University of Japan, WIN .
- Shah, Adity Rahman , “The Concept of Sovereignty and the Never-ending Cycle of Colonization: Does South Asia Need New International Law to Protect its Citizens from the State-sponsored Aggression?”(30 December) presented in the Asian Law and Society Conference, 2018 (ALSA) organized by Faculty of Law, Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia, The Australian Network for Japanese Law (ANJeL) and the Asia Pacific Legal Institute of Australia (APLIA) (Sponsored by Cambridge University Press), Australia.
- Shah, Adity Rahman , “Does the Application of the Indigenous Concept of Criminality Help to Achieve a Right-Based Criminal Justice System? : A Critical Study of the Customary Penal Laws of the Garo and Santal Communities of Bangladesh“,(20 November) presented at the World Indigenous Law Conference 2018 organized by the Faculty of Law, University of Windsor and Sunchild Law, Canada.
- Shah, Adity Rahman, “The Impact of Cell-phone Towers on the Climate Change: A Legal and Policy Analysis of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan“(15th February, 2018) presented at the 2nd International Conference on Climate Change organized by the University of Colombo and the Colorado State University of USA at Colombo.
- Shah, Adity Rahman, “Preventing Abuse and Neglect of Parents in Bangladesh: From Religious dogmas to legislative initiatives“(at 14th September,2017) presented at ASEAN Regional Conference on Elder Abuse & Neglect , 2017 organized by Sub-GC 5, Prevent Elder Abuse & Neglect Initiative (Peace) Law and Faculty of Law, University of Malaya , Malaysia.
- Seminar titled , “Say No to Sexual Harassment” jointly organized by the Bangladesh National Women Lawyers’ Association (BNWLA) , UN Women Bangladesh and East West University, Faculty of Law , Bangladesh .
1. Shah, Adity Rahman, attended short course on "Business and Human rights" with training scholarship from British Institute of International and Comparative Law.
2.Challenges for the existing filial laws”, Law and Our Rights, Daily Star, http://www.thedailystar.net/law-our-rights/law-analysis/challenges-the-existing-1457455
3. Shah, Adity Rahman ,”Rights of the Indigenous Woman Under the Legal Framework of BD: Paucity and Perplexity”, Law and Justice, Daily Observer, http://www.observerbd.com/details.php?id=88932
4. Participated in the “Climate Change and Sustainability Forum 2018: Bridging the Gaps in Research, Policy and Industry” organized by the University of Colombo and the Colorado State University of USA at Colombo, Sri Lanka , 17th February, 2018.
5. Participated in the Workshop on Research and Legal Writing conducted by the Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) on 10th and 12th May, 2018.
6. Worked as academic translator in the “Strengthening the Rule of Law Programme” implemented by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) under a Grant Agreement funded by the Counterterrorism Bureau of the U.S. Department of State.
International Peer Reviewed Blog Post
1. Shah, Adity Rahman, “The Patriarchal Justice System of Bangladesh Fails Laws Preventing Dowry Violence,” Oxford Human Rights Hub, 12th August, 2020.
2. Shah, Adity Rahman, "The Responsibility to Protect (R2P): Under what circumstances might the Security Council sanction an intervention to prevent or halt mass atrocities be justifiable, whether legally or otherwise?", Human Rights Blog, Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR) Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, India, 17 July, 2023.
Journal Publication
- Ashrafi, AM; Akhter, M; Sarker, AR; Ferdousi, F; and Shahid ,TS (2025), Investigating the Interconnected Dynamics between e-WOM and Quality Performance Dimensions in Car Dashcams through a Symmetric and Asymmetric Modelling Approach" , The TQM Journal, Emerald Group Publishing, Received minor review. ABDC Ranked B
- Akter, M; Ahmed, A; Momen, MA; Sultana, N; Sultana, S. and Ferdousi, F (2024), Determinants of Online Merchants’ Satisfaction on Third Party Logistics in a Developing Nation: A Partial Least Square (PLS) Approach, Cogent Business and Management, Tailor and Francis, Vol. 11, No. 1. Q2 (Scopus)
- Ferdousi, F; Ahmed, F; and Momen, A (2022), Evolution of quality assurance practices in enhancing the quality of open and distance education in a developing nation: A case study, Asian Association of Open Universities Journal,2022, 17(2), pp. 147–160. Emerald Publishing Limited. SCOPUS
- Working Paper: F. Ferdousi (2022), The Role of Institutional Pressures on the Use of Quality Assurance Practices in Enhancing Effectiveness: A Case Study of Higher Education Institutions of Bangladesh, Center for Research and Training.
- Hride, FT.,Ferdousi, F and Jasimuddin, S M. (2021) Linking Perceived price-fairness, customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty: A structural equation modelling of Facebook-based e-commerce in Bangladesh, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2022, 41(3), pp. 41–54. Wiley, https://doi.org/10.1002/joe.22146. SCOPUS
- Momen MA, Sultana S, Ferdousi F, Shahriar SHB (2021), Determinants of Choosing a Foreign Brand in Emerging Economy: Lessons and Implication for the Local Entrepreneurs, VILAKSHAN - XIMB Journal of Management, Emerald Publishing Limited.
- F. Ferdousi, (2019-2020), The Role of Institutional Pressures on the Use of Quality Assurance Practices in Enhancing Effectiveness: A Case Study of Higher Education Institution of Bangladesh, East West Journal of Business and Social Studies, Vol. 8.
- Ahmed, A. and Ferdousi, F. (2020), TQM Components as a Source of Competitive Advantage in a Beverage Organization: A Resource Based View, International Journal of Business Strategy and Automation, Vol.1, Issue 2. pp 25-36, IGI Global.
- Ferdousi, F., Baird, K. Munir, R. and Su, S.(2019), “Mediating role of quality performance on the association between organizational factors and competitive advantage”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 68, No. 3. Emerald Publishing Limited. SCOPUS (ABDC ranked B)
- Ferdousi, F. and Kumar, K S 2016, Investment Climate Factors with Reference to Firm Performance in Bangladesh: A Prospective Cohort Study, Handbook of Research on Fuzzy and Rough Set Theory in Organizational Decision Making, 2016, pp. 419–433. IGI Global (Book Chapter) SCOPUS
- Ferdousi, F., Baird, K.., Munir, R. and Su, S. (2018), “Association Between Organisational Factor, TQM and Competitive Advantage: Evidence from an Emerging Economy”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol.25, No.3. Emerald Publishing Limited. SCOPUS (ABDC ranked B)
- Ahmed, A; Haque, MM; Rahman, MA; Khan, MS; Rahman, A and Ferdousi, F (2018), Integration and adaptation of e-technology to deliver technical education in public and private universities of Bangladesh, Taylor and Francis (Book Chapter)
- Ferdousi, F., Ahmed, A. and Kumar, K S (2016), The implementation of innovative manufacturing practices: is it a choice or pressure?: A relative case study, International Journal of Intelligence Enterprise, 3(2), pp. 170–183, Inderscience Publishers (IEL), SCOPUS (ABDC ranked C)
- Ferdousi, F & Ahmed, A (2010), How Becoming Lean Can Improve Performance: A Study on Bangladeshi Garment Industry, Indian Journal of Management, 3(9), pp. 36–42.SCOPUS
- Ferdousi, F & Ahmed, A (2010), A Manufacturing Strategy: An Overview of Related Concepts, Principles and Techniques,Asian Journal of Business Management, Vol.2, No.2.pp.35-40.
- Ferdousi, F & Ahmed, A (2009), An Investigation of Manufacturing Performance Improvement through Lean Production: A Study on Bangladeshi Garment Firms, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol.4, No.9.pp.106-116.
- Ferdousi, F & Ahmed, A (2009), Lean Production Practices: The Differences and Similarities in Performance between the Companies of Bangladesh and other Countries of the world, Asian Journal of Business Management, Vol.2, No.1.pp.32-36.
- Ferdousi, F ; Shabnam, S & Ahmed, A (2011), Status of Corporate Social Responsibilities Practices in Business Enterprises-An Exploratory Study, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co.KG.
- Ferdousi, F; Ahmed A & Mannan, Z (2011), An Overview of the Literature on Lean Production Practices: Benefits, Improvements and Problems, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co.KG.
- Ferdousi, F (2011), Lean Production Philosophy- Concept and Practice, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co.KG.
- Ferdousi, F ; Ahmed A & Mannan, Z (2011), Existence of Supporting Elements to Practice Lean- A Study on Manufacturing Firms, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co.KG.
National - Ferdousi F and Shabnam, S. (2017-2018), “The Impact of TQM Practices in Improving Product Quality: Bangladesh Garment Organizations as a Case”, East West Journal of Business and Social Studies.
- Ferdousi, F (2009), Lean Production Practices in Bangladesh: An Investigation into the Extent of Practices in the Bangladeshi Garment Companies, Independent Business Review, Vol.2, No. 1.pp.65-84.
- Ferdousi, F (2004), Application of Computer Simulation Model in the Analysis of Queuing System: Technological and Management Perspective, Journal of Business Studies. Vol.2, No.2.pp.160-169.
- Ferdousi, F 2003, Electronic Commerce in Bangladesh: An Analysis of Hindrances and Prospect, Journal of Business Studies, Vol. XXIV, No.1.pp.213-219.
- Mannan, MA & Ferdousi, F (2002), Corporate Cultural Transformation for Total Quality Management: Perspectives and Imperatives, Journal of Business Studies. Vol.xxiii, No.1.pp.1-16.
- Ferdousi, F ( 2021). The role of institutional pressures on the use of quality assurance practices in enhancing the effectiveness of higher education, Funded by East West University Center for Research and Training, Submitted (2021).
- Ferdousi, F; Ahmed, A and Momen, A (2021). The use of Quality Assurance Practices in enhancing the quality of Open and Distance Education: A Case at Bangladesh Open University, Open Learning Journal, Under Review.
Conference & Seminars
- Hride, F.T. and Ferdousi, F, (2019), “The Role Price Fairness on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: F-Commerce Users of a Developing Country”, 4th International GCSTMR Congress 20-22 January, 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Ahmed, A and Ferdousi, F, (2019), “Effect of Contingency Factors in Adopting Lean Practices- A Case on a Beverage Organization of a Developing Economy”, 4th International GCSTMR Congress 20-22 January, 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Ferdousi, F, (2017), “The Association Between Organizational Related Factors, the Adoption of TQM and Competitive Advantage”, 1st GCSTMR Congress, 4-5 February, Dhaka University Senate Bhaban.
- Sharmin, A. and Ferdousi, F, (2017), “Downfall of Unipolar World: A Transitional Phase of World System”, 1st GCSTMR Congress, 4-5 February, Dhaka University Senate Bhaban.
- InSPIRE Conference, 4-6 July, 2016, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. Attended as a participant.
- Ahmed, A; Ferdousi, F and Mannan, Z (2015), Is Investment Climate Matters for Firms’ Performance? An Empirical Study, Melbourne International Business and Social Science Research Conference 2015, 2-4 October, Melbourne Australia.
- Mannan, Z; Ahmed, A and Ferdousi, F(2015), Managerial Attitudes towards Participative Management: A Study in a Developing Country, Sydney International Business Research Conference, 17-19 April, Sydney, Australia.
- Ferdousi, F (2015), The Influence of Institutional Pressures on the adoption of QM in Developing Economy, The First Biennial Bangladesh Academy of Business Administration Conference, Vol.1, presented January 12-14.
- Ferdousi, F & Shabnam, S (2010), Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in Private Garment Manufacturer Units of Bangladesh: Study on Perception and Performance, GBMF, Presented 23rd December.
- Ferdousi, F (2009), An Empirical Investigation of Lean Production Philosophy-A Bangladeshi Case, International Conference on Indigenous Management, University of Annamalai, Presented July, 16-18.
Text Books
- Bulbul, A; Ferdousi, F and Rahman, A 2013 “Total Quality Management (Conventional and Islamic Perspectives) (Co-author)
- Mannan, M A 2013, “Strategic Management: A Search for excellence”, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. (Editorial Contribution)
- Mannan, M A & Ferdousi, F 2007, “Essence of Total Quality Management”, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. (Co-author)
Research Project
- Title:Outcome Based Education and Accreditation – Tools for Higher Education Institutions Effectiveness
Position: Researcher
Research Grant: The project will be funded by Center for Research and Training, East West University (EWUCRT), Submitted to EWUCRT on Nov 23rd ,2023
Status: Under Review - Title: The Role of Institutional Pressures on he use of quality assurance practices in enhancing the effectiveness of Higher Education.
Position: Researcher
Research Grant: $2500. The project is financed by Center for Research and Training, East West University.
Status: Completed and published as a working paper( 2021). -
Title: A Comparative Study on Investment Climate in the EPZ and Non-EPZ Garment Firms of Bangladesh: An Empirical Investigation.
Position: Researcher
Research Grant: $7000.The project was financed by IFCEWU (International Finance Corporation- East West University).
Status: Completed and Published (2012). - Title: Practices of TQM in the Garment Sector of Bangladesh-An Empirical Investigation
Position: Team Leader and Researcher
Research Grant: $2500. The project is financed by Center for Research and Training, East West University.
Status: Published, March 2013.
Workshops and Training
- Workshop on Brainstorming Session on Learning and Teaching, January 23, 2024, Organized by East West University.
- Workshop on Brainstorming Session on Research & Innovation (L&T), February 19, 2024, Organized by East West University.
- Workshop on Outcome Based Education, University Grants Commission, November 3-4, 2021
- Workshop on Higher Education in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, Bangladesh Accreditation Council, September 26, 2021
- Motivational Workshop on Quality Assurance & Accreditation in Higher Education, Bangladesh Accreditation Council, August 31, 2021.
- Workshop on “Outcome-based Curriculum”, IQAC, East West University, May 22, 2021.
- Virtual training workshop: Bangladesh National Qualifications Framework (BNQF), Bangladesh Accreditation Council, April 11-12, 2021.
- Training/Workshop on "How to write a Research Proposal" with BCS Cadre, March 8, 2020, Organized by BCS Administration Academy in association with Center for Research and Training, East West University. (Resource Person)
- Training/Workshop on "Research Methodology" for the faculty members of Bangladesh Open University, Feb.-Mar, 2020, Organized by East West University Center for Research and Training in Association with Bangladesh Open University. (Resource Person)
- Training/Workshop on "Research Methodology" for the faculty members of East West University, Jan, 2020, Organized by East West University Center for Research and Training. (Resource Person)
- Training/Workshop on "Research Methodology" for the Government Officers (Ministry of Industries), 10 March-16 April, 2019, Organized by East West University Center for Research and Training in Association with Ministry of Industries. (Resource Person)
- Training/Workshop on "How to write a Research Proposal" with BCS Cadre, November, 2018, Organized by BCS Administration Academy in association with Center for Research and Training, East West University. (Resource Person)
- Training/Workshop on "Research Methodology" with BCS Cadre, February, 2018, Organized by BCS Administration Academy in association with Center for Research and Training, East West University. (Resource Person)
- Training/Workshop on "Research Methodology" for the faculty members of Bangladesh Open University, 21 Nov.-03 December, 2017, Organized by East West University Center for Research and Training in Association with Bangladesh Open University. (Resource Person)
- Training/Workshop on "Research Methodology" with BCS Cadre, October, 2017, Organized by BCS Administration Academy in association with Center for Research and Training, East West University. (Resource Person)
- Training/Workshop on "Research Methodology" for the faculty members of BCS Administration Academy, 21-22 April, 2017, Organized by BCS Administration Academy in association with Center for Research and Training, East West University. (Resource Person)
- Training on “How to Publish Articles in Impact Factor Enriched and Good Indexed Journals and Preparation for PhD Program”, Organized by IQAC, Daffodil International University, 26 December, 2016. (Resource Person)
- Workshop on "Human Resource Management for Administrative and Non-Administrative Employees", Organized by IQAC, Daffodil International University, 26 November, 2016. (Resource Person)
- National Consultation Workshop on "Policy for Open Educational Resources (OER) in Bangladesh". November19, 2016 at Karabi Hall, Prime Minister’s Office.
- Participated in a one day workshop on ‘SPSS Basic’ in Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, November, 2016.
- Participated in a one day workshop on ‘NVIVO 10’ in Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, November, 2015
- Participated in a one day workshop on ‘Thesis Formatting’ in Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, November, 2015.
- Participated in a one day workshop on ‘SPSS Intermediary Course’ in Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (2015).
- Participated in a two days NVIVO 10 Workshop in Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia (2013).
- Participated as resource person in a Focus Group Discussion on Public Private Partnership in Higher Education with Civil Society Representatives. Commissioned by ADB, implemented by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. Dated: January 30, 2013.
- Participated as a resource person in a Focus Group Discussion on Public Private Partnership in Higher Education with Industry Leaders. Commissioned by ADB, implemented by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. Dated: October26, 2012.
- Participated in a Focus Group Discussion on Public Private Partnership in Higher Education with Public University Representatives. Commissioned by ADB, implemented by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. Dated: September 8, 2012.
- Participated in a workshop on Redesigning Curriculum and Writing Text Book from Islamic Perspective: A Special Reference to Economics and Business Studies, (WCDTB, 2012), 29 June – 3 July, 2012 at ISTAC and KENMS, IIUM, MALAYSIA
- Participated in training on Scientific Research in Business, organized by the Department of Business Administration. Training conducted by Professor Shuzo Abe, Waseda University of Japan, 2010.
- Participated in training on Research Methods for Business and Social Science: The Art of Survey Research, organized by Center for Research in Business, Economics and Technology (CERBET), East West University. Training conducted by Dr. Syed Saad Andaleed, Visiting Full Bright Scholar, EWU. Professor and Program Chair, Sam and Irene Black, School of Business, Pennsylvania State, University of Erie.
East West Journal of Business and Social Studies (Assistant Editor)
Book of Abstract; Conference Proceedings (4th International Congress by GCSTMR, 19-22 January, 2019)
- Thesis Examination :Mr. Noble Kennedy E , VIT Business School, Ph.D. Thesis, Thesis Title: Enablers of Digitalization of Supply Chain and its impact on Supply Chain Performance among Manufacturing SMEs.
- International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (2025)
- Bangladesh journal of MIS (2025)
- East West Journal of Business and Social Studies
- Neural Computing and Applications Journal
- Business Management Journal
Honour and Award
1. I have been selected as the 2024 ACBSP Teaching Excellence Award recipient for Region 10. Region 10 includes 16 countries such as Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Afghanistan, Iran, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore.
- 2. International Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship for PhD.
3. Dean Honor-for Undergraduate result.
Conference Organizer
- 4th International Congress by GCSTMR, 19-22 January, 2019, First International GCSTMR Congress, February 4-5, 2017.
- International Conference on Knowledge Transfer, East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT) with financial support of UGC/World Bank Academic Innovation Fund under the HEQUEP sub-Project, February 17-18, 2017
Book Chapter
1. Md Afjalus Siraj, Maisha M. Medha, Akhlak U. Nahar, Md Amirul Islam, Veronique Seidel. Mangrove endophytes and their natural metabolites: role in promoting plant health in Microbial Endophytes and Plant Growth, 2023, Pages 99-116.
61. Muhammad Torequl Islam, Md. Sakib Al Hasan, Raihan Chowdhury, Emon Mia, Imam Hossen Rakib, Noshin Tasnim Yana, Heba A. S. El-Nashar, Siddique Akber Ansari, Irfan Aamer Ansari, Md. Amirul Islam, Zainab M. Almarhoon, William N. Setzer & Javad Sharifi-Rad. Unveiling the anxiolytic and analgesic effects of citronellal in Swiss mice: in vivo and in silico insights into COX and GABAA receptor pathways. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00210-024-03665-9 (IF: 3.1)
60. Muhammad Torequl Islam, Md.Sakib Al Hasan,Jannatul Ferdous, Emon Mia,Noshin Tasnim Yana,Irfan Aamer Ansari, Siddique Akber Ansari, Md. Amirul Islam, Henrique Douglas Melo Coutinho. GabaAergic sedative prospection of sclareol-linalool co-treatment: An antagonistic intervention through in vivo and in silico studies. Neuroscience Letters, 2024, 138060. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2024.138060 (IF: 2.5)
59. Sharika Noshin, Rahul Dev Bairagi, Sadia Airin, Dipa Debnath, Md. Sohanur Rahaman, Amit Kumar Acharzo, Most. Nazmin Aktar, Mohammed Bourhia, Ahmad Mohammad Salamatullah and Md. Amirul Islam. Synergistic Bioactivity of Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco and Its Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus: Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, and Cytotoxic Effects. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12013-024-01553-w (IF: 2.0)
58. Muhammad Torequl Islam, Md.Sakib Al Hasan, Jannatul Ferdous, Emon Mia, Noshin Tasnim Yana, Irfan Aamer Ansari, Siddique Akber Ansari, Md. Amirul Islam, Henrique Douglas Melo Coutinho. GabaAergic sedative prospection of sclareol-linalool co-treatment: An antagonistic intervention through in vivo and in silico studies. Neuroscience Letters, In press, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2024.138060 (IF: 2.5)
57. Md. Torequl Islam, Jannatul Ferdous, Md. Sakib Al Hasan, Abu Hashem, Mehedi Hasan Bappi, Siddique Akber Ansari, Md. Amirul Islam, Md. Saifuzzaman. Phytol exerts sedative-like effects and modulates the diazepam and flumazenil’s action, possibly through the GABAA receptor interaction pathway. Neuroscience Letters, 2024, 842:138007. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2024.138007 (IF: 2.5)
56. Md. Torequl Islam, Abdullah Al Shamsh Prottay, Md. Showkot Akbor, Md. Shimul Bhuia, Md. Amirul Islam, Md. Saifiuzzaman. Anxiolytic-like effect of daidzin possibly through GABAA receptor α2 and α3 subunits interaction pathway: In vivo and in silico studies. Pharmacological Research - Natural Products, 5 (2024) 100090. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prenap.2024.100090
55. Muhammad Torequl Islam, Raihan Chowdhury, Md. Shimul Bhuia, Brototi Chakrabarty, Neloy Kundu, Md. Showkot Akbor, Salehin Sheikh, Rokibul Islam Chowdhury, Siddique Akber Ansari, Irfan Aamer Ansari, Md. Amirul Islam. Daidzin enhances memory and the antischizophrenia drug olanzapine's effects, possibly through the 5-HT2A and D2 receptor interaction pathways. Drug Development Research, 2024, 85:e222592024. https://doi.org/10.1002/ddr.22259 (IF: 3.5)
54. Md. Torequl Islam, Md. Shimul Bhuia, Salehin Sheikh, Rubel Hasan, Mehedi Hasan Bappi, Raihan Chowdhury, Siddique Akber Ansari, Md. Amirul Islam, Md. Saifuzzaman. Sedative effects of daidzin possibly, through the GABA A receptor interaction pathway: In vivo approach with molecular dynamic simulations. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 2024, 74:83. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12031-024-02261-z (IF: 2.8)
53. Amit Mazumder, Rabindra Nath Acharyya, Milton Kumar Kundu, Pritam Kundu, Md. Amirul Islam, Md. Mustafizur Rahman. Phytochemical Screening and Evaluation of Pharmacological Potential of Baliospermum solanifolium Leaf Extract. Clinical Complementary Medicine and Pharmacology, 4 (2024) 100123. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccmp.2023.100123
52. Sadia Airin, Rahul Dev Bairagi, Sharika Noshin, Md. Sohanur Rahaman,Ritu Porna Biswas, Amit Kumar Acharzo, and Md. Amirul Islam. Comparative Pharmacological Evaluation of Mangrove Plant Xylocarpus mekongensis Pierre and Associated Fungus. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 3(5):11-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejpharma.2023.3.5.73
51. Tarek Hasan, Azmira Islam, Rifayat ara khanom Riva, Md. Naiemur Rahman, Shakhawat Ahmed, Md. Amirul Islam*, A F M Shahid Ud Daulaa. Phytochemicals from Zingiber capitatum rhizome as potential α-glucosidase, α-amylase, and glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors for the management of Type-II diabetes mellitus: Inferences from in-vitro, in-vivo and in-silico investigations. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2023(16):105128. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2023.105128 (IF: 6.0)
50. Amit Kumar Acharzo, Sinthia Rahman, M. Anisuzzman, Md. Amirul Islam, Pritam Kundu, Bishwajit Bokshi, Md. Abu Talha Siddique, Rashel Ahamed & Masum Billah. Antihyperglycemic, Neuropharmacological, Cytotoxic, Anticoagulant, and Anti-inflammatory Pharmacological Evaluations of Vernonia elaeagnifolia DC Leaves Secondary Bioactive Metabolites. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2023, 3(4), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.24018/ejpharma.2023.3.4.70
49. Md Sohanur Rahaman, Md Afjalus Siraj, Md Arman Islam, Prayas Chakma Shanto, Ordha Islam, Md Amirul Islam*, Jesus Simal-Gandara. Crosstalk between xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibiting and cancer chemotherapeutic properties of comestible flavonoids- a comprehensive update. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2022;110:109147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnutbio.2022.109147 (IF: 6.048)
48. Tania Jahan, Pritam Kundu, Tazrina Sultana, Lopa Saha, Abhijeet Chakraborty, Md. Amirul Islam and Samir Kumar Sadhu. Phytochemical investigation and assessment of pharmacological properties of leaves of Duabanga grandiflora. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies, 2021; 9(6): 25-32, https://doi.org/10.22271/plants.2021.v9.i6a.1348
47. Hiron Saraj Devnath, Md. Iqbal Ahmed, Maisha Maliha Medha, Md. Naharul Islam, Ritu Porna Biswas, Md. Amirul Islam, Samir Kumar Sadhu. HPLC Analysis and Antimicrobial, Antidiarrheal and Antihyperglycemic Properties of Eurya acuminata along with in silico Profiles. Phytomedicine Plus, 2022; 2:100291. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phyplu.2022.100291
46. Brototi Chakrabarty, Neloy Kundu, Rabindra Nath Acharyya, Ahad Khan, Md. Amirul Islam, Shrabanti Dev and Asish Kumar Das. Investigation of Anti-hyperglycemic, Anti-allergic activities of ethanolic extract from Brownlowia tersa (L.) stem. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies, 2022; 10(1): 43-46, https://doi.org/10.22271/plants.2022.v10.i1a.1362
45. Muhammad Torequl Islam, Cristina Quispe, Md Amirul Islam, Eunus S Ali, Sushmita Saha, Umma Hafsa Asha, Milon Mondal, Ahmad Faizal Abdull Razis, Usman Sunusi, Ramla Muhammad Kamal, Manoj Kumar, Javad Sharifi-Rad. Effects of nerol on paracetamol-induced liver damage in Wistar albino rats. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2021, 140:111732. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopha.2021.111732. (IF: 6.9)
44. Muhammed Amanat, Md. Sharif Reza, Md. Sadikur RahmanShuvo, Khondoker Shahin Ahmed, Hemayet Hossain, Muhammad Tawhid, Md.Saifuzzaman, Mohammad Shariful Islam, Tanoy Mazumder, Md. Amirul Islam, A F M Shahid Ud Daula. Zingiber roseum Rosc. rhizome: A rich source of hepatoprotective polyphenols. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2021, 139:111673. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopha.2021.111673 (IF: 6.9)
43. Mst Nazmun Nahar, Amit Kumar Acharzo, Md Sohanur Rahaman, Iffat Ara Zabeen, Shariful Haque, Md Amirul Islam. Phytochemical screening and antioxidant, analgesic, and anthelmintic effect of ethanolic extract of Merremia umbellate stems. Clinical Phytoscience, 2020, 6:86. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40816-020-00232-6
42. Md Sohanur Rahaman, Md Afjalus Siraj, Sabiha Sultana, Veronique Seidel and Md Amirul Islam. Molecular Phylogenetics and Biological Potential of Fungal Endophytes from Plants of the Sundarbans Mangrove. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11:570855. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.570855. (IF: 4.0)
41. Md Sharif Reza, Md Sadikur Rahman Shuvo, Md Mahadi Hassan, Mohammad Anwarul Basher, Md Amirul Islam, Nura Ershad Naznin, Sarah Jafrin, Khondoker Shahin Ahmed, Hemayet Hossain, A F M Shahid Ud Daula. Antidiabetic and hepatoprotective potential of whole plant extract and isolated compounds of Aeginetia indica, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2020, 132:110942. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopha.2020.110942. (IF: 6.9)
40. Kamanashis Mahaldar, Amir Hossain, Fahrima Islam, Sharmin Islam, Md. Amirul Islam, Masum Shahriar, Md. Mustafizur Rahman. Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of Piper retrofractum against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in Sprague-Dawley rat. Natural Product Research, 2020, 34:22, 3219-3225. https://doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2018.1550768. (IF: 2.1)
39. Jacob T. Heppell, Md. Amirul Islam, Shelli R McAlpine, and Jasim M. A. Al-Rawi. Functionalization of Quinazolin-4-Ones Part 3a: Synthesis, structures elucidation, DNAPK, PI3K and cytotoxicity of novel 8-aryl-2-morpholino-quinazolin-4-ones. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2019, 56: 124 – 141. https://doi.org/10.1002/jhet.3385. (IF: 2.0)
38. Muhammad Torequl Islam, Eunüs S. Ali, Shaikh J. Uddin, Subrata Shaw, Md Amirul Islam, Md Iqbal Ahmed, Manik Chandra Shill, Utpal Kumar Karmakar, Nagendra Sastry Yarla, Ishaq N. Khan, Md Morsaline Billah, Magdalena D. Pieczynska, Gokhan Zengin, Clemens Malainer, Ferdinando Nicoletti, Diana Gulei, Ioana Berindan-Neagoe, Apostol Apostolov, Maciej Banach, Andy W.K. Yeung, Amr El-Demerdash Jianbo Xiao, Prasanta Dey, Santosh Yele, Artur Jóźwik, Nina Strzałkowska, Joanna Marchewka,Kannan R.R. Rengasamy, Jarosław Horbańczuk, Mohammad Amjad Kamal, Mohammad S. Mubaraka, Siddhartha K. Mishra, Jamil A. Shilpi, Atanas G. Atanasov. Phytol: A review of biomedical activities. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2018, 121: 82–94. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2018.08.032 . (IF: 3.9)
37. Rosália M. Tôrres de Lima, Antonielly C. dos Reis, Ag‐Anne PM de Menezes, José V. de Oliveira Santos, José W.G. de Oliveira Filho, José R. de Oliveira Ferreira, Marcus V.O. Barros de Alencar, Ana Maria Oliveira Ferreira da Mata, Ishaq N. Khan, Amirul Islam, Shaikh Jamal Uddin, Eunüs S. Ali, Muhammad Torequl Islam, Swati Tripathi, Siddhartha K. Mishra, Mohammad S. Mubarak, Ana Amélia de Carvalho Melo‐Cavalcante. Protective and therapeutic potential of ginger (Zingiber officinale) extract and [6]‐gingerol in cancer: A comprehensive review. Phytotherapy Research, 2018;32:1885–1907. https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.6134. (IF: 6.1)
36. Antonio Luiz Gomes Júnior, Jana Dimitrova Tchekalarova, Milena Atanasova, Keylla da Conceição Machado, Maria Alexsandra de Sousa Rios, Márcia Fernanda Paz Jardim, Mihnea-Alexandru Găman, Amelia Maria Găman, Santosh Yele, Manik Chandra Shill, Ishaq N. Khan, Md. Amirul Islam, Eunüs S. Ali, Siddhartha K. Mishra,, Muhammad Torequl Islamr, Mohammad S. Mubarak, Luciano da Silva Lopes, Ana Amélia de Carvalho Melo-Cavalcante. Anticonvulsant effect of anacardic acid in murine models: Putative role of GABAergic and antioxidant mechanisms. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2018, 106: 1686–1695. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopha.2018.07.121. (IF: 6.9)
35. M. Torequl Islam, Eunüs S. Ali, S.J. Uddin, Md. Amirul Islam, S. Shaw, I. N. Khan, S. S. Saeedi Saravi, S. Ahmad, S. Rehman, V. K. Gupta, Mihnea-Alexandru Găman, A. M. Gaman, S. Yele, A. K. Das, João Marcelo de Castro e Sousa, S. M. Mendes de Moura Dantas, Hercília M. Lins Rolim, Ana Amélia de Carvalho Melo-Cavalcante, M. S. Mubarak, N. S. Yarla, J. A. Shilpi, S. K. Mishra, Atanas G. Atanasov. Andrographolide, a diterpene lactone from Andrographis paniculata and its therapeutic promises in cancer. Cancer Letters, 2018, 420: 129 – 145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.canlet.2018.01.074. (IF: 9.1)
34. Md Nazmul Hasan Zilani,Tamanna Sultana, S. M. Asabur Rahman, Md Anisuzzman, Md. Amirul Islam, Jamil A. Shilpi and Md Golam Hossain. Chemical composition and pharmacological activities of Pisum sativum. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017, 17:171. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12906-017-1699-y . (IF: 3.5)
33. Kamanashis Mahaldar, Md. Saifuzzaman, Tanzira Irin, Apurba Kumar Barman, Md. Khirul Islam, Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Md. Amirul Islam. Analgesic, anthelmintic and toxicity studies of Solanum violaceum Linn. Leaves. Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine, 2016, 16(2): 147 – 152. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13596-016-0227-9
32. Md. Nazmul Hasan Zilani, Md. Amirul Islam, Sharmin Sultana Khushi, Jamil Ahmad Shilpi, Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Md. Golam Hossain. Analgesic and antioxidant activities of Colocasia fallax. Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine, 2016, 16(2): 131 – 137. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13596-016-0222-1
31. K. R. Biswas, M. A. Islam, U. K. Karmakar, M. I. Ahmed, N. N. Biswas and S.K. Sadhu. Analgesic, antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of Calotropis gigantea L. Latex. Hamdard Medicus, 2016, 59(3): 15 – 19.
30. Yuqi Zhang, Md. Amirul Islam, Shelli R. McAlpine. Synthesis of the natural product Marthiapeptide A. Organic Letters, 2015, 17 (21):5149 – 5151. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.orglett.5b02574. (IF : 6.364)
29. Md. Amirul Islam, Yuqi Zhang, Yao Wang, Shelli R. McAlpine. Design, synthesis and anticancer mechanistic studies of linked azoles. Medicinal Chemistry Communications, 2015, 6: 300 – 305. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/C4MD00387J. (IF : 2.495)
28. Yao Wang‡, Md. Amirul Islam‡, Rohan A. Davis and Shelli R. McAlpine. The fungal natural product (1S, 3S)-austrocortirubin induces DNA damage in HCT116 cells via a mechanism unique from other DNA damaging agents, Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2015, 25(2): 249 – 253. (‡ = these authors contributed equally) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bmcl.2014.11.055. (IF: 2.5)
27. Deborah M. Ramsey, Md. Amirul Islam, Lynne Turnbull, Rohan A. Davis, Cynthia B. Whitchurch, Shelli R. McAlpine. Psammaplysin F: A unique inhibitor of bacterial chromosome partitioning. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2013, 23 (17): 4862-66. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bmcl.2013.06.082. (IF : 2.5)
26. Md. Saifuzzaman, Md. Sarowar Jahan Shamim, Kamanashis Mahaldar, Eunus Sheemul Ali, Md. Amirul Islam. Antinociceptive activity of the ethanolic extract of Persicaria acuminata Sach. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2013, 6 (7): 753 – 55. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jopr.2013.07.005
25. Md. Saifuzzaman, Md. Awlad Hossain,Md. Anwar Hossain, Eunus sheemul Ali, Md. Amirul Islam. Evaluation of analgesic activity of ethanolic extract of Leea indica leaves. International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Research and Review, 2013, 1 (3): 1 – 13.
24. Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Razia Sultana, M. Rashed Khan and Md. Amirul Islam. Binding of Triprolidine Hydrochloride to Bovine Serum Albumin: Estimation of Binding Parameters & Characterization of Binding Sites, Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013, 10 (1): 49 – 56. (IF: 1.8)
23. Hossain Md. Anwar, Islam Md. Amirul, Sarker Suman, Siraj Md. Afjalus. Assessment of phytochemical and Pharmacological properties of ethanolic extract of Cerbera manghas L. leaves. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 2013, 4 (5): 120 – 123.
22. Jotdar. M, S. Ramproshad, B. Mondal, A.Haque, U.K. Tarafder, M.A. Islam, M. G. Hossain. Evaluation of antioxidant and antinociceptive activities of leaves of Cassia alata l. PharmacologyOnline, 2013, 3:23-31.
21. Suharto Chakma, M. Amirul Islam, ASM. Nasirullha, Mahfuzur Rahman. Cytotoxic screening of Entada scandense seeds on brine shrimp. PharmacologyOnLine, 2013, 1: 89-92.
20. Saifuzzaman Md., Hossain Md. Anwar, Alam Shahinul, Islam Md. Amirul, Ali Eunus Sheemul. Antidiarrheal and cytotoxic activities of Alstonia scholaris barks, International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 2013, 4 (3): 101 – 103.
19. Ismet Ara Jahan, Md. Hemayet Hossain, Ishrat Nimmi, Siblara Islam, Hassan Kawsar, Md. Amirul Islam. Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential of the kernel root of Xylocarpus mekongensis (Lamk.) M. Roem. Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine, 2012, 12(3): 181-88.
18. Suharto Chakma and M. Amirul Islam. Minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration of Azithromycin tablet in Bangladesh. International Journal of Pharmacy, 2012, 2(4): 696-699.
17. Md. Hemayet Hossain, Ismet Ara Jahan, Ishrat Nimmi, Md. Musfizur Hassan and Md. Amirul Islam. Antidiarrhoeal activity, Nitric oxide scavenging and total tannin content from the bark of Ceriops decandra (Griff.) Ding. Hou, International Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences and Research, 2012, 3(5): 1306-11.
16. M. Amirul Islam, M. Saifzzaman, Firoj Ahmed, M. Mustafizur Rahman, Nazneen Ahmeda Sultana and Kamrun Naher. Antinociceptive Activity of Methanolic Extract of Acanthus ilicifolius Linn. Leaves, Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2012, 9(1): 51-60. (IF: 1.8)
15. Md. Amirul Islam, Firoj Ahmed, DM Rahman, Md. Saifuzzaman, J.A. Shilpi. Pharmacological Profile of Tamarix indica Roxb., Jagannath University Journal of Sciences, 2011, 1(1):55-63
14. Hemayet Hossain, Sk. Moniruzzaman, Ishrat Nimmi, Hassan Kawsar, Akbor Hossain, Amirul Islam and Ismet Ara Jahan. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of the ethanolic extract of Ceriops decandra (Griff.) Ding Hou bark, Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine, 2011, 11(4): 215-220.
13. Md. Amirul Islam, Firoj Ahmed, Samir K. Sadhu, Md. Saifuzzaman, Dilruba Nasrin and Biswajit Bakshi. Antibacterial activity of Manilkara zapota (L.) Royen and Cynometra ramiflora (L.), Hamdard Medicus, 2011, 54(4): 9-11
12. S Yasmin, MI Ahmed, MA Islam, NN Biswas, UK Karmakar, SK Sadhu. Assessment of phytochemical and pharmacological activities of Anisomeles indica leaves. Hamdard Medicus, 2011, 54(1): 9-14.
11. U.K. Karmakar, K.S. Rahman, N.N. Biswas, M.A. Islam, M.I. Ahmed, M.C. Shill, P. Paul and M. Kamruzzaman. Antidiarrheal, Analgesic and Antioxidant Activities of Trapa bispinosa Roxb. Fruits. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (RJPT), 2011, 4(2): 294-97.
10. MI Ahmed, MN Islam, MA Islam, NN Biswas, UK Karmakar and P Paul. Assessment of Phytochemical and Pharmacological Activities of the ethanolic extracts of Hygrophila spinosa. Khulna University Studies, 2010, 10 (1 &2): 173-178.
9. M.A. Islam, S. Parvin, M. M. Rahman, M.I. Ahmed, N.N. Biswas, U.K. Karmakar, and K. Naher. Phytochemical and Biological Investigation of Seeds of Hyptis suaveolens. Khulna University Studies, 2010, 10 (1 &2): 185-190.
8. Kamrun Naher, Gazi Md. Monjur Murshid, Md. Golam Hossain, Md. Amirul Islam, Sheik Sayeed Hasan and Sarder Nasir Uddin. Quality evaluation of Ketoprofen Solid Dosage Forms Available in the Pharma-Market of Bangladesh. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2010, 7 (10): 1317-1320.
7. MAA Khan, UK Karmakar, MA Islam, NN Biswas, MI Ahmed, SK Sadhu. Assessment of Phytochemical and Pharmacological acivities of Leucas zeylanica (L.) R. Br. (Family: Lamiaceae). Hamdard Medicus, 2010, 53:19-29.
6. Md. Amirul Islam, Samir K. Sadhu, Firoj Ahmed, Md. Saifuzzaman, Farhana Lipi, Kamrun Naher and Shamima Parvin. Assessment of antidiarroheal, cytotoxicity and antibacterial activity of aerial parts of Cymbopogon citrates DC. Ex Ness. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2010, 3(7): 1670-1672.
5. Firoj Ahmed, M. Amirul Islam, M. Mustafizur Rahman. Antibacterial activity of Leonurus sibiricus Linn. aerial parts. Fitoterapia, 2006, 77(4): 316 - 317. (IF : 2.5)
4. M. Amirul Islam, Firoj Ahmed, A.K. Das, S.C. Bachar. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of Leonurus sibiricus Linn. aerial parts. Fitoterapia, 2005, 76 (3 - 4): 359-362. (IF : 2.5)
3. Firoj Ahmed, M. Amirul Islam, M.S.K. Choudhuri. Central nervous system depressant activity of Leonurus sibiricus Linn. Nigerian Journal of Natural Product and Medicine, 2005, 9: 35-37.
2. Firoj Ahmed, Prabir K. Das, M. Amirul Islam, Samir K. Sadhu, Mohammad Mehedi Masud. Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of Cordyline terminalis Kunth. Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2004, 3 (1 & 2): 61-63.
1. Firoj Ahmed, Prabir K. Das, M. Amirul Islam, K.M. Rahman, Md. Mustafizur Rahman, M.S.T. Selim. Antibacterial activity of Cordyline terminalis Kunth. Journal of Medical Sciences, 2003, 3 (5-6): 418-422.
Selected Publications
- Sarker, M. H., Hussain, M. H., Neik, T. X., Hasan, M. Z., Wee, W. Y., Tan, H. S., Ko, S., & Song, B.K., Screening of heat stress-tolerant weedy rice and SNP identification of heat-tolerance-related genes. Plant Biotechnology Reports, 18, 659-672 (2024).
- Dwiyanto, J., M. a. L. Huët, Hussain, M.H., T. T. Su, J. B. L. Tan, K. Y. Toh, J. W. J. Lee, S. Rahman, and C.W. Chong, “Social Demographics Determinants for Resistome and Microbiome Variation of a Multiethnic Community in Southern Malaysia.” NPJ Biofilms and Microbiomes,9(1), 55, (2023)
- Muzahid, N. H., Hanifah M.Z., Ten, K.E., Hussain, M.H., Tin T. S., Ayub, Q., Tan, H.S., and Rahman, S, “Genomic and Phenotypic Characterization of Acinetobacter Colistiniresistens Isolated from the Feces of a Healthy Member of the Community.” Scientific Reports 13 (1): 12596, (2023).
- Muzahid, N. H., Hussain, M. H., Huët, M. A. L., Dwiyanto, J., Su, T. T., Reidpath, D., Mustapha, F., Ayub, Q., Tan, H. S., & Rahman, S, Molecular characterization and comparative genomic analysis of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from the community and the hospital: An epidemiological study in Segamat, Malaysia. Microbial Genomics, 9(4), 000977 (2023).
- Hussain, M. H., Dwiyanto, J., Muzahid, N.H., Huët, M. A. L., Su, T. T., Reidpath, D., Ayub, Q., Rahman, S., Lee, S. M., Song, B. K., Chong, C. W., & Tan, J. B. L, The Relationship between Ethnicity and Human Gut Mycobiome: Perspectives from a Cross-Cultural Multi-Ethnic Community Study in Malaysia. 16th Congress of the Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB), Christchurch, New Zealand (2021).
- Dwiyanto, J., Hussain, M. H., Reidpath, D., Ong, K. S., Qasim, A., Lee, S. W. H., Lee, S. M., Foo, S. C., Chong, C. W., & Rahman, S, Ethnicity influences the gut microbiota of individuals sharing a geographical location: A cross-sectional study from a middle-income country. Scientific Reports, 11(1), Article 1 (2021).
- Huët, M. A. L., Wong, L. W., Goh, C. B. S., Hussain, M. H., Muzahid, N. H., Dwiyanto, J., Lee, S. W. H., Ayub, Q., Reidpath, D., Lee, S. M., Rahman, S., & Tan, J. B. L, Investigation of culturable human gut mycobiota from the Segamat community in Johor, Malaysia. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 37(7), 113 (2021).
- Hasan, Md. M., Das, R., Rasheduzzaman, Md., Hussain, M. H., Muzahid, N. H., Salauddin, A., Rumi, M. H., Mahbubur Rashid, S. M., Siddiki, A. Z., & Mannan, A, Global and local mutations in Bangladeshi SARS-CoV-2 genomes. Virus Research, 297, 198390 (2021).
- Hussain, M. H., Chowdhury, A. S., Dhar, S. B., Abedin, M., Fima, I. N. & Hasan, Md. A, Computational identification of potential microRNAs and their targets from expressed sequence tags of marijuana (Cannabis sativa). Meta Gene, 10, 45–55 (2016).
- Ashraf, K.U.M., Barua, P., Saha, A., Muhammad, N., Ferdoush, J., Das, D., Hussain, M.H. and Alam, M.J., An immunoinformatics approach towards epitope-based vaccine design through computational tools from Bungarus caeruleus's neurotoxin. Journal of Young Pharmacists, 6(2), 35 (2014).
Journal Publication
- Ahsan, T. Jabid, U-P. Chong, “Facial Expression Recognition Using Local Transitional Pattern on Gabor Filtered Facial Images,” IETE Technical Review, vo. 30, no. 1, Jan. 2013. (ISI Journal)
M.H. Kabir, T. Jabid, and O.S. Chae, “Local Directional Pattern Variance (LDPv): A Robust Feature Descriptor for Facial Expression Recognition,” International Arab Journal of Information Technology, vol. 9, no. 4, Jul. 2012. (ISI Journal)
- Jabid, M.H. Kabir, and O.S. Chae, “Local Directional Pattern for Face Recognition,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol. 9, no. 4, Apr. 2012. (ISI Journal)
- Jabid, and O.S. Chae, “Facial Expression Recognition Based on Local Transitional Pattern,” Information, Mar. 2012. (ISI Journal)
- Jabid, M.H. Kabir, and O.S. Chae, “Robust Facial Expression Recognition based on Local Directional Pattern,” ETRI Journal, vol. 32, no. 5, Oct. 2010. (ISI Journal)
- Haque, F. Anwar, T. Jabid, S.M. Baker, H. Khan, M.N. Islam, M. Shoyaib, “Identification of Drosophila Promoter Using Positional Differential Matrix and Support Vector Machine from Sequence Data,” Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 123–130, Dec. 2008.
- Anwar, S.M. Baker, T. Jabid, M.M. Hasan, M. Shoyaib, H. Khan, and R. Walshe, “Pol II promoter prediction using characteristic 4-mer motifs: a machine learning approach,” BMC Bioinformatics, 9:414, Oct. 2008. (ISI Journal)
Conference & Seminars
M. Shamsujjoha, M. S. Ahmed, F. Hossain, T. Jabid, “Semantic modelling of unshaped object: An efficient approach in content based image retrieval,” in Proc. 17th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 22-23, 2014.
M. Murshed, T. Jabid, S. M. Z. Ishraque, “Discriminative Directional Texture and Color for Robust Target Tracking”, in Proc. 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 24-28, 2014, pp. 4176–4181.
M. M. Hasan, T. Jabid, and O.S. Chae, “A Robust Face Recognition Based on Local Transitional Pattern Variance (LTPv),” in Proc. International Conference on Computer Science and Technology, Jeju, Korea, July 10-12, 2012.
S. Z. Ishraque, T. Jabid, and O. S. Chae, “Face Recognition Based on Local Directional Pattern Variance (LDPv)”, in Proc. International Conference on Computer Science and Technology, Jeju, Korea, June 25-27, 2012, pp. 101-106.
T. Ahsan, T. Jabid, U-P Chong, “Facial Expression Recognition Using Gabor Filter and Local Transitional Pattern,” Advanced Signal Processing, Seoul, Korea, 30-31 March 2012
T. Jabid, S.Z. Ishraque, and O.S. Chae, “Facial Expression Recognition using Local Transitional Pattern Variance,” in Proc. International Conference on Advanced IT, engineering and Management, Seoul, Korea, Feb. 6-8, 2012, pp. 151-152.
S.Z. Ishraque, M. Murshed, T. Jabid, and O.S. Chae, “Object Tacking for Video Surveillance: A GHT based Edge Segment Matching Method,” in Proc. International Conference on Advanced IT, engineering and Management, Seoul, Korea, Feb. 6-8, 2012, pp. 129-130.
T. Jabid, T. Mohammad, T. Ahsan, M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud, and O.S. Chae, “An EdgeTexture based Moving Object Detection for Video Content Based Application”, in Proc. 14th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 22-24, 2011.
T. Jabid, and O.S. Chae, “Local Transitional Pattern (LTP): A Robust Facial Image Descriptor for Automatic Facial Expression Recognition,” in Proc. International Conference on Computer Convergence Technology, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 20-22, 2011, pp: 333- 344.
T. Jabid, T. Ahsan, T. Mohammad, and O.S. Chae, “Handwritten Bangla Numeral Recognition using Local Edge Response Pattern,” in Proc. International Conference on Computer Processing of Bangla (ICCPB), Dhaka, Bangladesh, Feb. 19, 2011, pp. 10-14.
T. Jabid, M.H. Kabir, and O.S. Chae, “Facial Expression Recognition using Local Directional Pattern (LDP),” in Proc. 17th International Conference on Image Processing, Hong Kong, Sep. 26-29, 2010, pp. 1605-1608.
M.H. Kabir, T. Jabid, and Oksam Chae, “A Local Directional Pattern Variance (LDPv) based Face Descriptor for Human Facial Expression Recognition,” in Proc. 7th International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, Boston, USA, Aug. 29 – Sep.1, 2010, pp. 526–532.
T. Jabid, M.H. Kabir, and O.S. Chae, “Local Directional Pattern (LDP) – A Robust Image Descriptor for Object Recognition,” in Proc. of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), Boston, USA, Aug. 29 – Sep.1 2010, pp. 482–487.
T. Jabid, M.H. Kabir, and O.S. Chae, “Gender Classification using Local Directional Pattern (LDP),” in Proc. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 23-26, 2010, pp. 2162–2165.
T. Jabid, M.H. Kabir, and O.S. Chae, “Local Directional Pattern for Face Recognition,” in Proc. International Conference on Consumer Electronic, Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 9-13, 2010, pp. 329–330.
T. Jabid, M. Shoyaib, S.M. Baker, F. Anwar, and M.M. Hasan, “Protein-Protein Interaction Detection from Primary Structure using Support Vector Machine”, in Proc. International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, Las Vegas, USA, Jul. 14-17, 2008, pp.965-969
T. Jabid, F. Anwar, S.M. Baker, and M. Shoyaib, “Identification of Promoter through Stochastic Approach,” in Proc. 10th international conference on Computer and Information Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 27-29, 2007, pp.1-4.
M. Shoyaib, S. M. Baker, T. Jabid, F. Anwar, and H. Khan, “Protein Secondary Structure Prediction with High Accuracy using Support Vector Machine,” in Proc. 10th international conference on Computer and Information Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 27-29, 2007, pp.1-4.
T. Jabid, M. Shoyaib, S. M. Baker, F. Anwar, “A Stochastic Approach for the Identification of Plant Promoter Containing TATA box using Support Vector Machine,” in Proc. MMU International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies, Malaysia, 2007.
N.M. Chowdhury, S.M. Baker, K.M.T. Rahman, K.A. Hasnat, T. Jabid, and K.K. Al-Zahid, “Session Management and State Handling using HTTP Connection on GPRS enabled Mobile Phone Devices: A New Communication Model,” in Proc. 9th international conference on Computer and Information Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 27-29, 2006.
Rahman, R & Reza, R. B. (2023). Information seeking behavior of university students during 2023 dengue outbreak. Record and Library Journal, 9(2), 232-242. [Scopus Indexed]
Kumar, R, Das, S & Rahman, R (2019). Mapping of Agriculture Research in Bangladesh: A Scientometric Analysis. Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science, 6(2), 7-15. [BASE, JSTOR, OAJI indexed]
Rahman, R. & Begum, B. (2020). Transformational Leadership Behavior Styles of Professionals in Private University Libraries of Bangladesh. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum, Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development: Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (1st ed., pp. 53-64). New York: Routledge. Publication of Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 9780367546281.
Hossain, T, Sumon, A. R. & Rahman, R (2020). Bangladesh’s Progress toward Attainment of the SDGs: An Analysis of SDG Tracker. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum, Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development: Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (1st ed., pp. 413-430). New York: Routledge. Publication of Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 9780367546281.
D. Begum, M. H. Elahi, A. R. Sumon, A. R. and R. Rahman (2023). “Gen Z, metrics, and academic libraries: The use of metrics in shaping academic libraries for Gen Z. Conference Paper on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS). Paper presented at 17th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS). Dhaka: Dr. S. R. Lasker Library, East West University, (2023), P. 70-71.
Rahman, R. (2021). Information Culture in the Private University Libraries of Bangladesh. [Abstract]. In 2nd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 24-26 June, 2021. Virtually.
Rahman, R, Rahman, A, Kohinoor, S.K.B (2020). Prospects and Challenges of MOOCs in Bangladesh: A Study of Students and Academicians [Abstract]. In 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences. Paper presented at Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences, 27-29 February (p.51). Dhaka: East West University.
Rahman, R (2020). Use of E-Resources in English Medium School Libraries of Bangladesh: A Study on Information Professionals [Abstract]. In 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences. Paper presented at Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences, 27-29 February (pp.27-28). Dhaka: East West University.
Kumar, R and Rahman, R (2019). Faculty Perception, Adoption and Usage of Open Access Scholarly Publishing: Bibliometric Analysis from Last 10 years in Academia. Conference paper on Digital Landscape Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment. Paper presented at ICDL 2019: International Conference on Digital Landscape Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment, 6-8 November (pp. 472-480). New Delhi: TERI.
Rahman, R. & Islam, S. (2017). Users Perception of E-resources in the Private University libraries of Bangladesh. Proceedings of Libraries Beyond Borders: Innovative Trends, Issues and Challenges in Knowledge Dissemination (ICLBB-2017). Paper presented at International Conference on Libraries Beyond Borders: Innovative Trends, Issues and Challenges in Knowledge Dissemination (ICLBB-2017), 18-19 August (pp.455-460).
Rahman, R. & Islam, S. (2017). E-Resource Management in the Private University Libraries of Bangladesh: Perception of LIS Professionals. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Transforming Library 2017. Paper presented at 1st International Conference on Transforming Library, Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar, 8-10 July 2017 (pp. 265-285).
International Journals:
1. M. R. Karim, M. M. Rahman, H. Ahmad and B. M. A. Rahman, "Modeling of dispersionengineered all-chalcogenide step-index fiber for wideband supercontinuum generation in the mid-infrared". Optical and Quantum Electronics 52 (5), p -243 (28 April, 2020), doi: 10.1007/s11082-020-02355-z. IF - 2.084 (2020).
2. Gulistan, M. M. Rahman, S. Ghosh and B. M. A. Rahman,"Elimination of spurious modes in full-vectorial finite element method based acoustic modal solution", Optics express 27 (8), 10900-10911, 2019.
3. Siamak Dawazdah Emami, Lee Hui Jing, M. Moseeur Rahman, Fairuz Abdullah, Hairul Azhar Abdul-Rashid, Mahdi Mozdoor Dashtabi and B. M. Azizur Rahman, " Evolution of surface acoustic waves in an optical microfiber", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 53 (5), p. 1-8, 2017. (Citation: 2)
4. B. M. A. Rahman and M. M. Rahman, " Characterization of acousto-optical interaction in planar silica optical waveguide by the finite element method", JOSA B 33 (5), p. 810-818, 2016. (Citation: 3)
5. B. M. A. Rahman, M. M. Rahman, S. Sriratanavaree, N. Kejalakshmy and K. T. V. Grattan, " Rigorous analysis of the transverse acoustic modes in optical waveguides by exploiting their structural symmetry", Applied optics 53 (29), p. 6797-6803, 2014. (Citation: 4)
6. M. S. Alam and M. M. Rahman, "Class-associative multiple target detection by use of fringe-adjusted joint transform correlation", Applied optics 41 (35), p. 7456-7463, 2002. (Citation: 24)
Book Chapter:
1. B. M. A. Rahman, M. M. Rahman, S. Sriratanavaree, N. Kejalakshmy and K. T. V. Grattan,"Rigorous Analysis of Acousto-Optic Interactions in Optical Waveguides", Recent Trends in Computational Photonics, Springer, p. 107-129, 2017.
International Conferences:
1. A. Gulistan, M. M. Rahman, S. Ghosh and B. M. A. Rahman, " Tailoring light-sound interactions in a single mode fiber for the high-power transmission or sensing applications", Third International Conference on Photonics Solutions (ICPS2017) 10714, 1071403, 2018. (Citation: 2)
2. B. M. A. Rahman and M. M. Rahman, " Interactions of acoustic and optical waves in Ge-doped silica planar optical waveguide", 2015 2nd International Conference on Opto-Electronics and Applied Optics (IEM OPTRONIX), Publiser: IEEE, p. 1-4, 2015. (Citation: 1)
3. Mohammed Rahman and B. M. A. Rahman, "Interactions of Acoustic and Optical Waves in Ge-doped Silica Planar Optical Waveguide", Advanced Photonics 2015 (Optical Sensors), Boston, Massachusetts United States, 27 June -1 July (2015).
4. M. M. Rahman and B. M. A. Rahman, "Acousto-optical Interaction in Ge-doped Silica Planar Optical Waveguide", Optical wave and waveguide theory and numerical modelling workshop (OWTNM), City University London, UK, p. 16-18 April (2015).
5. M. S. Alam and M. M. Rahman, "Class-associative multiple-target detection using fringe-adjusted joint transform correlation", Optical Pattern Recognition XIII 4734, p. 113-121, 2002. (Citation: 1)
6. M. M. Rahman and Mohammad S. Alam, "Quality of service in mul- tiple layered programming", International Conference on Intelligent Multimedia and Distance Education (ICIMADE '01), p.1-3 June 2001, Fargo, North Dakota, USA.
7. M. Mazen Al-Khatib, Lakshmikar, and M. Rahman, "New adaptive bch encoder architectural design for wireless atm networks", First IEEE Electro/Information Technology Conference Proceedings, Chicago, June, p. 8-11, 2000.
Journal Publications
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Resisting Environmental Destruction and Fighting Socio-Political Marginalisation in Hawaii in Kiana Davenport’s Shark Dialogues.” Journal of Postcolonial Writing (Special Issue: Emerging Textual Cross-Sections). Accepted & to be published in 2025. (Scopus Indexed: Q 1)
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. "Healing Trauma of Sexual Abuse and Rejecting Patriarchal Authority in Gail Anderson‑Dargatz’s The Cure for Death by Lightning." Literary Studies 38.1 (2025): 59-69. https://doi.org/10.3126/litstud.v38i1.75936
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Resisting White Supremacy and Constructing Ethnic/Female Identity: Magical Resistance in Louise Erdrich’s Tracks.” Journal of American Studies of Turkey 62 (2024): 1-16. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/jast/issue/89461/1610219
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Relocating a Torn Identity and Asserting the Right of the Oppressed to be Heard and Liberated in Mohja Kahf’s The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf.” World Journal of English Language 13.5 (2023): 261-268. https://doi.org/10.5430/ wjel.v13n5p261 (Scopus Indexed: Q 2)
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Post-Nuclear Explosion Crisis and Survival in Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?.” Forum for World Literature Studies 15.1 (2023): 194-206. (Scopus Indexed: Q 1)
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “The Subcontinent Falls Apart: Communal Violence and Religious Intolerance in Khushwant Singh’s Train to Pakistan." Literary Studies 34.1 (2021): 108-117. https://doi.org/10.3126/litstud.v34i01.39530
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Deconstructing Western Hegemony and Voicing Silenced Histories in Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome." SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English 57.1 (2020): 6-20. https://sare.um.edu.my/article/view/25270 (Scopus Indexed: Q 2)
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Heavy Silence and Horrible Grief: Reconstructing the Past and Securing the Future through Magical Realism in Joseph Skibell’s A Blessing on the Moon." Ostrava Journal of English Philology 12.1 (2020): 29-44. doi.org/10.15452/OJoEP.2020.12.0003 (Scopus Indexed)
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. "Construction of Home, Nation and Identity in Rohinton Mistry’s Tales from Firozsha Baag." Shanlax International Journal of English. 7.4 (2019): 18-24. https://doi.org/10.34293/english.v7i4.626
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Variations in Middle English Local Surnames.” XLinguae: European Scientific Language Journal. 10.4 (2017): 209-222. DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.17 (Scopus Indexed: Q 1)
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Healing Trauma and Reasserting Identity through Remembrance in Joanne Fedler’s The Dreamcloth.” Prague Journal of English Studies 6.1 (2017): 79-92. DOI: 10.1515/pjes-2017-0005
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Fluids, Cages, and Boisterous Femininity: The Grotesque Transgression of Patriarchal Norms in Angela Carter’s Nights at the Circus.” Journal of Language and Cultural Education 5.2 (2017): 114-122. DOI: 10.1515/jolace-2017-0022 (Web of Science)
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Tommy Wilhelm: The Untraditional Hero of Saul Bellow’s Seize the Day.” International Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies 3.4 (2015): 38-42. doi: 10.7575/aiac.ijclts.v.3n.4p.38
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Speaking the Unspoken: Rewriting Identity Loss and Memory of Slavery through Magical Realism in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.” English Language and Literature Studies 5.3 (2015): 25-32. doi: 10.5539/ells.v5n3p25
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Muslims in Pre- and Post-9/11 Contexts.” International Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies 3.3 (2015): 52-59. doi:10.7575/aiac.ijclts.v.3n.3p.52
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Rewriting Rural Community and Dictatorial History through Magical Realism in Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude.” Journal of Language and Cultural Education 3.2 (2015): 86-102. DOI: 10.1515/jolace-2015- 0014 (Web of Science)
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children: Connection between Magical Realism and Postcolonial Issues.” International Journal of English and Education 3.4 (2014): 341-350. http://ijee.org/yahoo_site_admin/assets/ docs/27_L.265144232.pdf
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Treatment of Women: A Comparative Study between British and Bengali Ballads.” International Journal of English and Education 3.4 (2014): 365-373. http://ijee.org/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/30_L.265144511.pdf
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Ethnic Othering in True Lies.” The Criterion 5.4 (2014): 1-10. http://www.the-criterion.com/V5/ n4/Abu.pdf
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Walt Whitman’s Drum-Taps: Shifting Attitude towards the Civil War.” International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities 2.3 (2014): 1-14. http://ijellh.com/papers/2014/july/01-1-14-july- 2014.pdf
1. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Ed. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching (English) Literature: Exploring the Unexplored/Broadening the Horizon. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Accepted, 2025)
2. Abdullah, Abu Shahid & Moutushi Islam. Empowering Black Women through Female Solidarity in Selected Black Female Narratives. Kolkata: Exceller Books, 2024. ISBN (10): 8119524071; ISBN (13): 978-8119524075 https://excellerbooks.com/product/empowering-black-women-through-female-solidarity-in-selected-black-female-narratives/
3. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Magical Feminism in the Americas: Resisting Female Marginalisation and Oppression through Magic. Delaware: Vernon Press, 2024. ISBN: 979-8-8819-0025-0 https://vernonpress.com/book/2063
4. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Ed. Trauma, Memory and Identity Crisis: Reimagining and Rewriting the Past. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022. ISBN (10): 1-5275-8439-9; ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-8439-6 https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-5275-8439-6
5. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Traumatic Experience and Repressed Memory in Magical Realist Novels: Speaking the Unspeakable. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020. ISBN (10): 1-5275-4628-4; ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-4628-8 https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-5275-4628-8
Conference Proceedings
1. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Plague, Global Fear and Sense of Morality in Jack London’s The Scarlet Plague.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Beyond Pandemics: Reimagining the Humanities and the New Normal. December 2021: 81-83.
2. Abdullah, Abu Shahid & Tanvir Mustafiz Khan. “Globalization, Consumerism and Social Isolation: Depicting Pandemic in Emily St. John Mandel’s Station Eleven.” Proceedings of The International Symposium: Representations of Pandemic in Literature. September 2021: 154-160. ISBN: 978-625-7086-38-7
3. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. ‘“Indeed, the King has a Cunt! What a Wonder!’: Sex, Eroticism and Language in One Thousand and One Nights.” Proceedings of The Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2019 (CALA 2019): Revitalization and Representation. January 2019: 22-28. DOI: 10.47298/cala2019.1-1 ISBN 978-0-6485356-0-7 (Scopus Indexed)
4. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. ‘“This is me with Augustine, February 21, 1943’: Importance of Photographs in Everything Is Illuminated.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Phenomena in Multimodal Communication (KLUA 2018). August 2018: 22-26. doi:10.2991/klua-18.2018.3 ISBN 978-94-6252-547-4
Conference Presentation
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Intertwining Magic, Gothic Landscapes and the Grotesque: Transgenerational Haunting and Female Independence in Gail Anderson-Dargatz’s The Cure for Death by Lightning.” 25th International MELOW Conference: Echoes of the Earth: Interplay of Literature and Landscape. Kathmandu University, Nepal. 27-29 September, 2024.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “(Re)writing Myths and Subverting Gendered and Racial Superiority in Ana Castillo’s So Far from God.” NEXUS Interdisciplinary Conference 2024: Home/Bodies. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA. 5-7 April, 2024.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Survival Is Insufficient”: Imagining Utopia within Dystopia in Station Eleven and Human Acts.” 5th ASLE-ASEAN Ecocritical Conference: Posthuman Southeast Asia. School of Liberal Arts, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand and ASLE-ASEAN. 23-25 November, 2023.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Resisting Patriarchy and Challenging Dictatorship through Magic in Allende’s The House of the Spirits.” The 9th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian Academy in Plock, Poland. 29 May-4 June, 2023.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Challenging White History and Emphasising Female Solidarity in Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day.” The 9th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian Academy in Plock, Poland. 29 May-4 June, 2023.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Linking Myth with Transnational Feminism: Developing Female Identity in Cristina García’s Dreaming in Cuban.” 2nd International Conference on Refugee, Resistance, and Recognition: Global Literary Representations in [Post]post-colonial Perspectives. The Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh. 24-25 February, 2023.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Reviving Excruciating Memories of Trauma and Torture: Female Resistance and Subjectivity in Stolen Lives: Twenty Years in a Desert Jail and Steps under Water.” Osmosis: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Human Sciences. The Department of English, East Delta University, Bangladesh. 16-17 November 2022.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid & Tanvir Mustafiz Khan. “Surviving Crises and Imagining Utopia in Han Kang’s Human Acts.” The 8th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian State University in Plock, Poland. 6-12 June, 2022.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid & Aditya Bhowmic. “Psychoanalysis of Liesel Meminger’s Traumatic Growth in Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief.” The 8th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian State University in Plock, Poland. 6-12 June, 2022.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid & Mahmudul Hasan. “Reimagining the Monomyth in Joseph Skibell’s A Blessing on the Moon.” The 8th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian State University in Plock, Poland. 6-12 June, 2022.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Identity, Ethnic Conflict and Gendered Violence in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns.” World Languages and Literatures Research Symposium. School of Foreign Languages, Pamukkale University, Turkey. 1-3 June, 2022.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Fluids, Cages, and Boisterous Femininity: The Grotesque Transgression of Patriarchal Norms in Angela Carter’s Nights at the Circus.” World Languages and Literatures Research Symposium. School of Foreign Languages, Pamukkale University, Turkey. 1-3 June, 2022.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Resisting Environmental Destruction and Fighting Socio-Political Marginalisation in Hawaii in Kiana Davenport’s Shark Dialogues.” Building Bridges: An Interdisciplinary Conference. Nottingham Trent University, UK. 4-7 April, 2022.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Encountering a Cold and Unwelcoming London: Dislocation, Predicament and Identity Crisis of the Caribbean Immigrants in Samuel Selvon’s The Lonely Londoners.” International Conference on Borders, Diasporas, and Multilingualism in English Studies. Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. 7-8 January, 2022.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Plague, Global Fear and Sense of Morality in Jack London’s The Scarlet Plague.” 2021 ELLAK International Conference (Online) on Beyond Pandemics: Reimagining the Humanities and the New Normal. The English Language and Literature Association of Korea (ELLAK). 16-18 December, 2021.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Self-Discovery and Identity (Re)formation through Journey in Mohja Kahf’s The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf.” The First International Conference in Literature, Skikda 2021 on Being out of Place: Deconstructing Travel Narratives in Postcolonial Arab Novel. The University of 20 August 1955, Skidda, Algeria. 12-14 December, 2021.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Analysing the Timeless Female Victimisation through Coetzee’s Disgrace and Morrison’s The Bluest Eye.” International Interdisciplinary Conference (Online) on Representations of Violence in Literature, Culture and Arts. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Turkey in collaboration with Ege University, Pamukkale University, Izmir Katip Celebi University and Istanbul Medeniyet University. 20-22 October 2021.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Desire to Break Patriarchal Shackle and be Recognised in Anita Desai’s Cry, The Peacock.” International Interdisciplinary Conference (Online) on Representations of Violence in Literature, Culture and Arts. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Turkey in collaboration with Ege University, Pamukkale University, Izmir Katip Celebi University and Istanbul Medeniyet University. 20-22 October 2021.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “The Subcontinent Falls Apart: Communal Violence and Religious Intolerance in Khushwant Singh’s Train to Pakistan.” International Conference (Online) on Entangled Englishes in Translocal Spaces. The Department of English and Humanities, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2-4 September, 2021.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Trauma, Memory and the Reassertion of Identity in Joanne Fedler’s The Dreamcloth.” The 7th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian State University in Plock, Poland. 21-27 April, 2021.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Interplanetary Colonisation, Isolation and Overdependence on Technology: Depicting Crisis in the Aftermath of Nuclear Fallout in Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?.” The 7th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian State University in Plock, Poland. 21-27 April, 2021.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Globalisation, Consumerism and Social isolation: Depicting Pandemic in Emily St. John Mandel’s Station Eleven.” International Symposium on Pandemic and its Representations in Literature. Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey. 26-27 March, 2021.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Linking Personal Trauma of Sexual Violence with Collective Trauma of the Holocaust in D.M. Thomas’s The White Hotel.” International Conference The Art of Forgetting: Memory, Loss and Revision. University of Ottawa, Canada. 5-7 March, 2021.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Reinterpreting Myth and History in Restructuring the Past in Shashi Tharoor’s The Great Indian Novel” (under the Panel: Rewriting the Past and Voicing the Marginalised). International Conference At the Crossroads: Narratives of the Excluded. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland. 24-25 September 2020
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Giving a Voice to the Entire Subcontinent: Nationalism in R.K. Narayan’s Waiting for the Mahatma” (under the Panel: Rewriting the Past and Voicing the Marginalised). International Conference At the Crossroads: Narratives of the Excluded. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland. 24-25 September 2020.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Moving away from a Violent Past and the Process of Healing in Zakes Mda’s Ways of Dying” (under the Panel: Rewriting the Past and Voicing the Marginalised). International Conference At the Crossroads: Narratives of the Excluded. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland. 24-25 September 2020.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Reconstructing Personal Identity and Creating an Alternative National History in Gioconda Belli’s The Inhabited Woman.” International Conference (Online) on Gender Equality for a Better World: Issues and Challenges. Women’s College, Aligarh Muslim University, UP, India in collaboration with University Grants Commission, India. 19-20 August, 2020.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Trauma, Memory and Amnesia: Physical and Psychological Repression in The Sleeping Voice and A Long Silence.” The 6th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of The Mazovian State University in Plock, Poland. 22-28 April, 2020.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Rewriting Rural Community and Dictatorial History through Magical Realism in Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude.” The 6th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of The Mazovian State University in Plock, Poland. 22-28 April, 2020.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “(In)ability to Assert Independence and Freedom of Choice: A Comparative Study of the Treatment of Women in British and Bengali Ballads.” The 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences: Gender, Health, Information and the Environment. East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 27-29 February, 2020.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Deconstructing the Western Hegemony and Voicing Silenced Histories in Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome.” International Conference on Postcolonial Perspectives: Language, Literature and Culture and the Global South. Department of English, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 14-15 February, 2020.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Of the Women, by the Women, for the Women: Role of Female Writers in Sanskrit Literature as a Source of Female Agency.” International Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology (CALA 2020). University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. 5-8 February, 2020.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Mocking Depiction of Corrupt Politicians: Magical Realism as a Means of Political Satire in Ngugi Wa Thiango’s Wizard of the Crow.” The 5th ASSE International Conference on British and American Studies. Albanian Society for the Study of English in collaboration with University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali”, Vlora, Albania. 6-8 June, 2019.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. ‘“Beavis and Butt-head’: Comic and Derogatory Portrayal of Arabs in True Lies.” The 5th ASSE International Conference on British and American Studies. Albanian Society for the Study of English in collaboration with University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali”, Vlora, Albania. 6-8 June, 2019.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Disillusionment, Estrangement and Identity Crisis in Andrea Levy’s Fruit of the Lemon.” The 8th Conference on Narrative and Language Studies. Faculty of Letters, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey. 2-3 May, 2019.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Magical Realism as a Social and Political Protest: A Comparative Study between The House of the Spirits and Like Water for Chocolate.” The 8th Conference on Narrative and Language Studies. Faculty of Letters, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey. 2-3 May, 2019.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “From Welcoming the War to Rebuilding the Nation: Walt Whitman’s Shifting Attitude towards Civil War in Drum-Taps.” The 5th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The State University of Applied Sciences in Plock, Poland. 10-16 April, 2019.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Variations in Middle English Local Surnames.” The 5th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The State University of Applied Sciences in Plock, Poland. 10-16 April, 2019.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Accounts of Apartheid’s Bloody Past and Psychological Damage in Zoë Wicomb’s David’s Story.” International Conference on Performing the Nation: Memory and Desire in Contemporary Literature. Post Graduate Department of English, Berhampur University, Odisha, India. 8-9 February, 2019.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Sexuality, Eroticism and Language in One Thousand and One Nights.” International Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology (CALA 2019). Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia. 23-26 January, 2019.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Magical Realism and the Voices of the Marginalised in Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children.” International Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology (CALA 2019). Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia. 23-26 January, 2019.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Exploitation and Alienation of Migrant Workers in a Capitalist Society: A Marxist Interpretation of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men.” International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture and Politics: Celebrating the Bicentenary of Karl Marx’s Birth. Department of English and Humanities, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. November 30- December 1, 2018.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Female Voices in Fairy Tales: A Weapon to Fight Oppressive Forces.” The 14th International Conference on Humanities & Social Sciences. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. 22-23 November, 2018.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Uncontrolled Experiment and Disastrous Consequences: An Ecocritical Approach to Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake.” The 14th International Conference on Humanities & Social Sciences. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. 22-23 November, 2018.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “The American Paradox: Discovering America and the Filipino Immigrant Dream in Carlos Bulosan’s America is in the Heart and Bienvenido Santos’ What the Hell for You Left Your Heart in San Francisco.” The 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Filipino Studies. University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA in collaboration with De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, Cavite, The Philippines. 16-18 November, 2018.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Sense of Emptiness and Longing for Anchor: Diverse Consequences of Colonisation and Immigration in Nick Joaquin’s The Woman Who Had Two Navels.” The 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Filipino Studies. University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA in collaboration with De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, Cavite, The Philippines. 16-18 November, 2018.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Post-9/11 Backlash and Resulting Disillusionment in The Reluctant Fundamentalist and Once in a Promised Land.” International Conference on Literature: Contemporary Perspectives on/in Postcolonial and Diasporic Literature and Theory. School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. 25-26 July, 2018.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Heavy Silence and Horrible Grief: Joseph Skibell’s A Blessing on the Moon.” International Conference on Literature: Contemporary Perspectives on/in Postcolonial and Diasporic Literature and Theory. School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. 25-26 July, 2018.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. ‘“This is me with Augustine, February 21, 1943’: Importance of Photographs in Everything Is Illuminated.” Konferensi Linguistik: International Conference on Language Phenomena in Multimodal Communication. Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia. 17-19 July, 2018.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Construction of Home, Nation and Identity in Rohinton Mistry’s Tales from Firozsha Baag.” International Conference on Indian Literature as World Literature: Past, Present, Future. The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India. 18-20 January, 2018.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Refusing Racial and Gendered Subjugation: Escaping Marginalisation in Maryse Condé’s I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem.” International Conference on tHe pOliticS of dIfferencE: (Re)Locating Subalternity/ Marginality. Assam University, Diphu Campus, Assam, India. 22-23 September, 2017.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Healing Trauma and Reasserting Identity through Remembrance: A Comparative Study between Joanne Fedler’s The Dreamcloth and Toni Morrison’s Beloved.” National Conference on New Media and Identity Formation. East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 21 January, 2017.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Speaking the Unspeakable: Traumatic Experience and Repressed Memory in Magical Realist Novels.” PhD colloquium (University of Bamberg, Bochum, Dresden and Siegen). Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. 24-26 July, 2015.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Tommy Wilhelm: The Untraditional Hero of Saul Bellow’s Seize the Day.” Student Conference. University of Bayreuth, Germany. 10-12 January, 2014.
Conference Attendance
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Critical-Affective Pedagogy for Bangladesh: Teaching Language, Literature, Cultural Studies and Communication in English Studies. Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. 24-25 May, 2024.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. International Conference on Teaching English Literature and Interdisciplinarity. The Department of English, East West University and ATLEB. 28-29 July, 2023.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. PhD colloquium (University of Bamberg, Bochum, Dresden, and Siegen). University of Bamberg, Germany. 12-14 February, 2016.
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. The 7th International Walt Whitman Seminar. University of Bamberg, Germany. 21-26 July, 2014.
Workshop Participation
- Conducted a Workshop on “Preparing OBE Course Outline” organised by Dept. of English, East West University, Bangladesh. 31 August, 2023.
- Participated in a Workshop on “Professional Training on Capacity Building of IQACs” organised by Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC). 12-23 March 2023.
- Conducted a Workshop on “Assessment and Rubrics” organised by Programme Self-Assessment Committee (PSAC), Dept. of English, East West University, Bangladesh. 7 July, 2022.
- Participated in a Workshop on “Capacity Building in OBE Teaching Method” organised by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), East West University, Bangladesh. 19 February, 2022.
- Conducted a Workshop on “OBE Curriculum Development” organised by Dept. of English, East West University, Bangladesh. 6 December, 2021.
- Participated in a Workshop on “OBE Curriculum Development” organised by University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh. 3-4 November, 2021.
- Participated in a Workshop on Gender Studies at University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh with support from The Association of Commonwealth Universities. 27 January, 2018
- Participated in the Creative Writing Workshop “Writing War” conducted by Julia Pascal at University of Bamberg, Germany. 10-12 January, 2013
Book Chapter
1. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Literary Representation of Trauma from a Marginalized Standpoint: Reinventing the Past and Creating an Alternative History.” Trauma, Memory and Identity Crisis: Reimagining and Rewriting the Past. Ed. Abu Shahid Abdullah. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022. 1-14. ISBN (10): 1-5275-8439-9
2. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Asserting Identity and Establishing Alternative Mode(s) of Speaking: Slavery and the Search for Female Freedom in Ntozake Shange’s Sassafrass, Cypress & Indigo.” Trauma, Memory and Identity Crisis: Reimagining and Rewriting the Past. Ed. Abu Shahid Abdullah. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022. 76-91. ISBN (10): 1-5275-8439-9
3. Abdullah, Abu Shahid & Tanvir Mustafiz Khan. “Surviving Crises and Imagining Utopia in Han Kang’s Human Acts.” Trauma, Memory and Identity Crisis: Reimagining and Rewriting the Past. Ed. Abu Shahid Abdullah. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022. 188-198. ISBN (10): 1-5275-8439-9
4. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Reconstructing Personal Identity and Creating an Alternative National History: Magical Realism and the Marginalised Female Voice in Gioconda Belli’s The Inhabited Woman.” The Palgrave Handbook of Magical Realism in the Twenty-First Century. Eds. Richard Perez and Victoria A. Chevalier. Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2020. 281-296. ISBN: 978-3-030-39834-7
MA Thesis Supervision
1. Islam, Moutushi. "Empowering Black Women through Female Solidarity: A Magical Realist and Gynocritical Analysis of I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem, Mama Day and The Color Purple." (Completed, Spring 2022).
2. Khan, Tanvir Mustafiz. ‘“Survival is Insufficient’: Imagining Utopia within Dystopia in Station Eleven, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and Human Acts.” (Completed, Spring 2021)
3. Mursheeda, Afia. “Apocalypse is No More Far, it is here: Prognostication about Technological Jeopardies in Dystopian Fiction and Film.” (Completed, Fall 2020)
Invited Talk
1. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Magical Realism and Women in the Americas.” Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. 7 October, 2024.
2. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Resisting White Supremacy and Constructing Identity: Magical Resistance in Louise Erdrich’s Tracks.” Literary Association of Nepal (LAN), Nepal. 31 December, 2021.
Conference Session Chair
1. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Panel Theme: Eco-Fiction. 3rd International Conference on Environmental Hazards and Gender Issues: [Re]imagining Literature, Language, and Culture of the Global South. The Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh. 16-17 February, 2024.
2. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Panel Theme: Changing Ecologies in Southeast Asia. 5th ASLE-ASEAN Ecocritical Conference: Posthuman Southeast Asia. School of Liberal Arts, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand and ASLE-ASEAN. 23-25 November, 2023.
3. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Panel Theme: Film Studies. International Conference on Teaching English Literature and Interdisciplinarity. The Department of English, East West University and ATLEB. 28-29 July, 2023.
4. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Panel Theme: Home and (Un)home. 2nd International Conference on Refugee, Resistance, and Recognition: Global Literary Representations in [Post]post-colonial Perspectives. The Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh. 24-25 February, 2023.
Plenary Session
- Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Healing Trauma of Sexual Abuse in Gail Anderson Dargatz’s The Cure for Death by Lightning.” 3rd International Conference on Environmental Hazards and Gender Issues: [Re]imagining Literature, Language, and Culture of the Global South. The Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh. 16-17 February, 2024.
Publication in International & National Journal
Nazifa Tabassum, Basrat Jahan Deea, Farhana Rizwan, Sufia Islam (2024). Behavioral Alterations Caused by Pain and Inflammation in Rodent Models. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal. 27(2):201-206. DOI: 10.3329/bpj.v27i2.75189
- Farhana Rizwan*, Forhad Monjur, Mamunur Rahman, Samiha Tamanna, Noor Muhammad Khan, Muhammad Rafiqul Islam, Samira Alam, Lamia Mariyam (2023). Burnout risks in Bangladeshi Physicians: A multicenter, cross-sectional study. Heliyon 9(12), e22386. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e22386. ( Impact Factor: 4)
- Sufia Islam, Nazia Hoque, Nishat Nasrin, Mehnaz Hossain, Farhana Rizwan, Kushal Biswas, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Sabera Rahman, David W. Hoskin, Saki Sultana, and Christian Lehmann (2022). "Iron Overload and Breast Cancer: Iron Chelation as a Potential Therapeutic Approach, Life 12 (7), 963. https://doi.org/10.3390/life12070963. (Impact Factor: 3.2)
- Farhana Rizwan, Harun Ur Rashid, Saquiba Yesmine, Forhad Monjur, Tapan Kumar Chatterjee∗(2022). POTENTIAL BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF STEVIOSIDE IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE (CKD) PATIENTS (STAGE-I TO STAGE-III): A PROSPECTIVE CLINICAL TRIAL IN A TERTIARY HOSPITAL IN BANGLADESH. Kidney International Reports; 7(2): Supplements, S177-S178. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ekir.2022.01.415. (Impact Factor: 6.00)
- Farhana Rizwan, Saquiba Yesmine , Ishtiaque Ahmed Chowdhury , Sultana Gulshana Banu, Tapan Kumar Chatterjee∗ (2020). Dataset concerning effects of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana bertoni), amlodipine, losartan, and valsartan on water consumption, blood glucose and heart tissue in gentamycin-induced nephrotoxicity in the rat model. Data in Brief; 31(2020); 105965. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2020.105965
- Farhana Rizwan, Saquiba Yesmine, Sultana Gulshan Banu, Ishtiak Ahmed Chowdhury, Rajibul Hasan, Tapan Kumar Chatterjee⁎ (2019). Renoprotective effects of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni), amlodipine, valsartan, and losartan in gentamycin-induced nephrotoxicity in the rat model: Biochemical, hematological and histological approaches. Toxicology Reports; 6; 683-691; (Impact Factor: 0.807); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxrep.2019.07.003
- Farhana Rizwan, Harun Ur Rashid, Saquiba Yesmine, Forhad Monjur, Tapan Kumar Chatterjee∗ (2018). Preliminary analysis of the effect of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) in patients with chronic kidney disease (stage I to stage III). Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. 12 (2018) 17–25. (Impact Factor: 1.5); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conctc.2018.08.007
- Forhad Monjur, Farhana Rizwan. (2018). A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY ON BENZODIAZIPINE (BZD) ABUSERS OF DHAKA CITY: A SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITION OF BANGLADESH. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 3(5); DOI: 10.22270/ujpr.v3i5.196
- Nobo Krishna Ghosh, Farhana Tanzin, Forhad Manjur, Farhana Rizwan, Morsheda Khanam, SM Shatil Shahriar, (2018). Antipyretic effect of oral versus rectal acetaminophen in children-A randomized comparative study. World J Pharm Res. 7, 1722-34
- Nobo Krishna Ghosh, Farhana Tanjin, Forhad Monzur, Farhana Rizwan, Morsheda Khanam, Bijoy Chakraborty, Kazi Touhidul Alam, (2018). PREVALENCE OF IRON DEFICIENCY IN CHILDREAN WITH FEBRILE SEIZURE.
- Rizwan, F., Monjur, F., Tanjia, N. and Ghosh, N.K., (2015). A Comparative study between infant and neonate patients suffering from diarrhea in Dhaka city of Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5(50), pp.7-10.; ISSN 2249-622X.
- Islam, S., Nasrin, N., Rizwan, F., Nahar, L., Bhowmick, A., Esha, S., A., Kaisar Ali Talukder, K., A., Akter, M., Roy, A., Ahmed, M., (2015). Microbial contamination of street vended foods from a University campus in Bangladesh. South East Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 46(3), pp.480; (Impact Factor: 0.209).
- Rizwan F*., Monjur F., Ghosh N. K., Salim A. F., M., and Haque M. F., (2015). A Prospective Study on Bacterial Isolates causing Neonatal Septicemia and their Sensitivity Pattern in a Tertiary level Hospital of Dhaka, Bangladesh. International Research Journal of Medical Sciences, 3(2), pp.16-21. ISSN 2320 –7353
- Monjur, F. and Rizwan, F., (2014). A cross-sectional study of morphological types of anemia in pulmonary tuberculosis patients and associated risk indicators in a selected hospital of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Int J Chem Environ Biol Sci, 2(4), pp.215-9.; ISSN 2320–4087
- Islam S, Rizwan F, Nasrin N, Nahar L, Ahmed M., (2014). Microbial contamination of fixed and Mobile Street vended food around the campus of East West University in Dhaka, Bangladesh. EWUCRT working paper no. 8. East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh (Funded by EWUCRT).
- Rizwan, F., Monjur F., Asaduzzaman, M., Nasrin, N., Ghosh, N. K., Samsuzzaman, A., K., M., Afzal, S., A., Apu, A., S., Howlader, A., Salim, A., F., M., (2012). Antibiotic susceptibility patterns of uropathogens isolated from pediatric patients in a selected hospital in Bangladesh. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 14(1), no. 01, pp.1-3. ISSN 0976 – 044X
- Nasrin, N., Asaduzzaman, M., Imam, K., M., A., Mowla, R., Rizwan, F., Monjur, F. (2012). Common geriatric disorders and their management in selected hospitals of Bangladesh. Int. J Pharm Sci Rev Res, 30(2), pp-5
- Apu, A.S., Hossain, F., Rizwan, F., Bhuiyan, S.H., Matin, M. and Jamaluddin, A.T.M., (2012). Study of pharmacological activities of methanol extract of Jatropha gossypifolia fruits. Journal of basic and clinical pharmacy, 4(1), p.20.
- Apu, A.S., Ireen, K., Bhuyan, S.H., Matin, M., Hossain, M.F. and Rizwan, F., (2012). Anti-diarrheal Potential of Jatropha gossypifolia (Linn.). J Med Sci, 12, pp.274-9.
- Apu, A.S., Liza, M.S., Jamaluddin, A.T.M., Howlader, M.A., Saha, R.K., Rizwan, F. and Nasrin, N., (2012). Phytochemical screening and in vitro bioactivities of the extracts of aerial part of Boerhavia diffusa Linn. Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine, 2(9), pp.673-678.
- Md. Amran Howlader, Apurba Sarker Apu*, Repon Kumer Saha, Farhana Rizwan, Nishat Nasrin, Muhammad Asaduzzaman (2012). CYTOTOXIC ACTIVITY OF N-HEXANE, CHLOROFORM AND CARBON TETRACHLORIDE FRACTIONS OF THE ETHANOLIC EXTRACT OF LEAVES AND STEMS OF BACCAUREA RAMIFLORA (LOUR.). , IJPSR; 3(3): 822-825; ISSN: 0975-8232.
- Asaduzzaman, M., Nasrin, N., Rizwan, F., Monjur, F. and Mowla, R., (2011). Trends of prescribing for out-door geriatric patients in a private hospital in Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 1(10), p.123.
- Howlader, M.A., Rizwan, F., Sultana, S., Rahman, M.R., Shams-Ud-Doha, K.M., Mowla, R. and Apu, A.S., (2011). Antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic effects of methanolic extracts of leaves and stems of Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.). Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 1(8), pp.137.
- Nasrin, N., Asaduzzaman, M., Mowla, R., Rizwan, F., and Alam, A., (2011). A comparative study of physical parameters of selected ketorolac tromethamine tablets available in the pharma market of Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 1(8), pp.11.
- Monjur, F., Rizwan, F., Asaduzzaman, M., Nasrin, N., Ghosh, N.K., Apu, A.S. and Haque, F. (2010). Antibiotic sensitivity pattern of causative organisms of neonatal septicemia in an urban hospital of Bangladesh. Indian J Med Sci, 64(6), pp.265-271; (Impact Factor: 2.379)
- Ghosh, N., Mannan, M.A., Monjur, F., Rizwan, F., and Salim, A.F.M., (2010). Escalated regimen of hepatitis B vaccine in childhood hematological malignancies while on chemotherapy. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 41(3), p.555; (Impact Factor: 0.209).
- Islam, S., Sarker, M.A., Rizwan, F., Haque, R., Siddique, A., Parveen, S. and Islam, S., (2008). In vitro sensitivity of different brands of antiamoebic drugs (metronidazole tablets) against clinical isolates of Entamoeba histolytica in Bangladesh. Journal of Biological Science, 8(5): 925-929. ISSN: 1727-3048.
Conference & Seminars
Abstract published in conference proceedings:
- 1. Jannatul Ferdous Moumita, Jannatul Ferdous Tanjina, Farhana Akter, Md Raihan Sarker , and Farhana Rizwan*. Detection and Quantification of Hydroquinone and Heavy Metals in Skin Fairness Creams Available in Bangladeshi Market. International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences (ICPHS), 6-7 December 2024. Organized by Department of Pharmacy, University of Asia Pacific.
- 2. Sumyia Chowdhury, Fahmida Chowdhury, Farhana Akter, Md Raihan Sarker , and Farhana Rizwan* Detection and Quantification of Hydroquinone and Heavy Metals in Lipsticks Available in Bangladeshi Market. International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences (ICPHS), 6-7 December 2024. Organized by Department of Pharmacy, University of Asia Pacific.
- 3. Basrat Jahan Deea*, Dr. Farhana Rizwan, Dr. Sufia Islam, Mutakabrun Shima. Exploring Anti-depressive Effects of Conventional Antidiabetic Drugs and Their Combination in Fructose-Induced Diabetic Mice. International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences (ICPHS), 6-7 December 2024. Organized by Department of Pharmacy, University of Asia Pacific.
- 4. Farhana Rizwan*, Forhad Mojur. Menstrual product knowledge among adult and adolescent Bangladeshi female: an online survey. ISPEs 15th Asian Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology, 26-28 October 2023, Bengaluru, India
- 5. Farhana Rizwan*, Tanjina Afrin, Mamunur Rahman, Nishat Nasrin, Forhad Monjur. A Review on Bioremediation approaches for heavy metal pollution in Bangladesh. 5th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-23) at University of Calabria Convention Centre in Rende (Cosenza), Italy from 2-5th October, 2023 (Accepted).
- 6. Nazifa Tabassum*, Basrat Jahan Deea, Farhana Rizwan, Sufia Islam. Behavioral alterations caused by pain and inflammation in rodent models, 5th International Conference on Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture 2023, September 1-3, 2023.
- 7. Farhana Rizwan* Forhad Monjur, Mamunur Rahman, Samiha Tamanna, Noor Muhammad Khan, Muhammad Rafiqul Islam, Saumen Karan, Samira Alam, Lamia Mariyam. Burnout risks in Bangladeshi healthcare-professionals: A multi-center, cross-sectional study. THE 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2023. 10-11th February, 2023.University of Dhaka
8. Reatul Karim, Farhana Rizwan, Md. Mahbubur Rahman Tanim, Sabrin Khan. Comparing in vitro Permeability of a Nanocarrier-Hydrogel Hybrid System with an Alcoholic Hydrogel for Sustained Transdermal Drug Delivery. The 7th World Congress on Recent Advances in Nanotechnology. April 2022; DOI: 10.11159/nddte22.132 - 9. Reatul Karim, Farhana Rizwan, Md. Mahbubur Rahman Tanim, Sabrin Khan. Design and Evaluation of Nanocarrier Embedded Hybrid Hydrogels for Topical Delivery of Hydrophobic Molecules. The 7th World Congress on Recent Advances in Nanotechnology. April 2022. DOI: 10.11159/nddte22.119
- 10. Farhana Rizwan, Harun-Ur-Rashid, Saquiba Yesmine, Forhad Monjur, Tapan Kumar Chatterjee*. POTENTIAL BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF STEVIOSIDE IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE (CKD) PATIENTS (STAGE-I TO STAGE-III): A PROSPECTIVE CLINICAL TRIAL IN A TERTIARY HOSPITAL IN BANGLADESH. ISN World Congress of Nephrology. February 24-27, 2022. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- 11. Farhana Rizwan, Harun-Ur-Rashid, Saquiba Yesmine, Tapan Kumar Chatterjee*. Beneficial effects of stevia in CKD patients (Stage I to Stage III): A Prospective clinical study in a tertiary hospital in Bangladesh (Accepted). Abstract No.: WCN20-0448. ISN World Congress of Nephrology 2020. Abu Dhabi; UAE
- 12. Tomal Goshwami, and Farhana Rizwan*. Psychobehavioral Attributes Associated with Patients Useable Xylometazoline (Nasal Spray): A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study. 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences. February 27-29, 2020; pp-74; ISBN: 978-984-34-8662-2.
- 13. Farhana Rizwan. Renoprotective, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of Stevia (Stevioside) in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients: a comparison with Angiotensin Receptor Blocker, Losartan / Valsartan and Ca2+ Channel Blocker, Amlodipine. ISN-Pioneer Award-2017 presentation Ceremony & Scientific Seminar on "Global Burden of Chronic Kidney Disease." Date: 13th January 2018, Venue: Conference Hall, Kidney Foundation Hospital & Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- 14. Farhana Rizwan, Saquiba Yesmine, Nur-E-Hafiza, Forhad Monjur, and Tapan Kumar Chatterjee. Phytochemical Screening of Methanolic Extracts of Leaves Part of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni in Bangladesh. pp: 35-43. Universal Academic Cluster International November Conference in Bangkok; 10-11 November 2016; SM Tower, Bangkok, Thailand
- 15. Farhana Rizwan. A cross-sectional study of morphological types of anemia in pulmonary tuberculosis patients and associated risk indicators in a selected Hospital of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. 4th International Conference on Biology and Medical Sciences (ICBMS'14), December 15-17, Pattaya, Thailand.
- 16. Farhana Rizwan. Antibiotic susceptibility patterns of uropathogens isolated from pediatric patients in a selected hospital in Bangladesh. International Environment & Health Conference, 6-7 June 2012 at Penang of Malaysia.
- 17. Farhana Rizwan. Changing of resistance pattern of antibiotics against bacterial isolates causing neonatal septicemia in an Urban Hospital of Dhaka, Bangladesh. International Environment & Health Conference, 6-7 June 2012 at Penang of Malaysia.
- 18. Farhana Rizwan. In Vitro Sensitivity of Secnidazole and Tinidazole Oral Preparations against Entamoeba histolytica. In: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Scientific Conference (ASCON XII), February 9-12, 2009, ICDDR, B, Dhaka, Bangladesh (Page No. 145).
Conference Attended:
- International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences (ICPHS), 6-7 December 2024. Organized by Department of Pharmacy, University of Asia Pacific.
- THE 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2023. 10-11th February, 2023. University of Dhaka.
- 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences. February 27-29, 2020; pp-74; ISBN: 978-984-34-8662-2.
- ISN-Pioneer Award-2017 presentation Ceremony & Scientific Seminar on "Global Burden of Chronic Kidney Disease." Date: 13th January 2018, Venue: Conference Hall, Kidney Foundation Hospital & Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Universal Academic Cluster International November Conference in Bangkok; 10-11 November 2016; SM Tower, Bangkok, Thailand
- 14th World Congress on Public Health, Kolkata, India, From February 11-15, 2015
- 4th International Conference on Biology and Medical Sciences (ICBMS'14), From December 15-17, Pattaya, Thailand.
- International Environment & Health Conference, From 6-7 June 2012 at Penang, Malaysia.
- 12th Annual Scientific Conference (ASCON XII), From February 9-12, 2009, ICDDR, B, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Books & Book Chapter
Published Books and Book Chapter:
- Tapan Kumar Chatterjee, Farhana Rizwan, Sharmily Chakrabarti. (January 2018). Quintessence of Pharmacovigilance. Publisher: PharmaMed Press, Hyderabad. ISBN: 978-93-8681-946-8
- Rizwan, F., Ettela, A., Monjur, F., (2011). Antibiotic susceptibility patterns of pathogens causing typhoid fever in hospitalized children in Dhaka city. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8473-0706-8.
- Rahman, M., Rizwan, F., Monjur, F., (2011). Prevalence of intestinal parasites and their effects on the people. Publishing House: VDM Verleg Dr. Muller. ISBN: 13: 978-3-639-34043-3.
- Islam, S., Sarker, M., A., Rizwan, F., (2010). In-vitro sensitivity study of different brands of oral metronidazole against Entamoeba histolytica infected Bangladeshi population. publishing house: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. ISBN-13: 978-3-639-21006-4
Research Grants
1. Title: "Lipid Nano capsule loaded topical system for transdermal delivery of estradiol as hormone replacement therapy for early postmenopausal women."
Funded By: Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. & Nuvista Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Status: In progress.
2. Title: "Microbial contamination of fixed and mobile street food vended around the campus of East West University in Dhaka, Bangladesh"
Funded By: EWUCRT
Status: Completed
Original Articles
- Nazia Hoque, Meena A. Shanta, Najneen Ahmed, Afruja S. Dipu, Md. Sohel Rana, Md. Hossain Sohrab. Phytochemical and Pharmacological Investigations of Different Extracts of Dracaena spicata Roxb. Available in Bangladesh. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research, 2024; 8(6):7339-7344.
- Nazia Hoque, Zihan Rahman Khan, Parisa Tamannur Rashid, Mst. Nadira Begum, Suriya Sharmin, Md. Jamal Hossain, Md. Sohel Rana and Md. Hossain Sohrab. Antimicrobial, antioxidant, and cytotoxic properties of endophytic fungi isolated from Thysanolaena maxima Roxb., Dracaena spicata Roxb. and Aglaonema hookerianum Schott. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies 23, 347, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12906-023-04185-4 (IF: 3.9, Q1 journal)
- Syeda R. Tasfia, Hujaifa A. Sakib,Tasmiah Khanam, Nazia Hoque, Mamunur Rahman, Arif Khan, Sufia Islam. Potential drug-drug interactions and prescription errors in COVID-19 infected patients. Public Health and Toxicology. 2023;3(2):9. https://doi.org/10.18332/pht/168246
- Sufia Islam, Nazia Hoque, Nishat Nasrin, Mehnaz Hossain, Farhana Rizwan, Kushal Biswas, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Sabera Rahman, David W. Hoskin, Saki Sultana, and Christian Lehmann. "Iron Overload and Breast Cancer: Iron Chelation as a Potential Therapeutic Approach, Life 12 (7), 963, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/life12070963 (IF: 3.2, Q1 journal)
- Nazia Hoque, Farhana Afroz, Farjana Khatun, Satyajit Roy Rony, Choudhury Mahmood Hasan, Md. Sohel Rana, Md. Hossain Sohrab. Physicochemical, Pharmacokinetic and Cytotoxicity of the Compounds Isolated from an Endophyte Fusarium oxysporum: In Vitro and In Silico Approaches, Toxins, 14, 159, 2022. (IF: 3.9, Q1 journal)
- Nazia Hoque, Nusrat Fatemee, Md. Junayet Hossain, Meena Afroze Shanta, Mohammad Asaduzzaman. CNS depressant and analgesic activities of Thysanolaena maxima Roxb. available in Bangladesh. Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 20(2), 227-233, 2021.
- Nazia Hoque, Md. Hossain Sohrab, Farhana Afroz, Satyajit Roy Rony, Suriya Sharmin, Fatema Moni, Choudhury Mahmood Hasan and Md. Sohel Rana. Cytotoxic metabolites from Thysanolaena maxima Roxb. available in Bangladesh, Clinical Phytoscience, Springer Nature, 6:89, 2020.
- Rupali Ghosh, Nazia Hoque, Meena Afroze Shanta, Nishat Nasrin and Muhammad Asaduzzaman. Antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of different fractions of Citrus aurantifolia peel. Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 19(2), 161-168, 2020.
- Nazia Hoque , Choudhury Mahmood Hasan , Md. Sohel Rana , Amrit Varsha , Md. Hossain Sohrab and Khondaker Miraz Rahman, Fusaproliferin, a Fungal Mycotoxin, Shows Cytotoxicity against Pancreatic Cancer Cell Lines. Molecules, 23, 3288, 2018. (IF: 4.92, Q1 journal)
- Nishat Nasrin, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Nigar Sultana Tithi, Mohammad Saleh Yunus, Mohsin Ibna Amin, Nazia Hoque. Common Health Problems of Workers in Selected Press Industries of Dhaka City. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research, 12(2), 1-14, 2018.
- Meena Afroze Shanta, Milon Mondal, Senjuti Majumder, Md. Imamul Islam, Nazia Hoque, Nigar Sultana Tithi and Md. Sohel Rana, Pharmacological investigations of chloroform extract of Stereospermum chelonoids leaves. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 9(10), 4256-4266 2018.
- Imamul Islam, Meena Afroze Shanta, Milon Mondol, Nazia Hoque, Nigar Sultana Tithi, Protective effect of Chloroform extract of Stereospermum chelonoides bark against Amyloid Beta42 induced cell death in SH-SY5Y cells and against inflammation in Swiss albino mice. Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, 29(4),1-10, 2018. (IF: 2.25)
- Nazia Hoque, Sabera Rahman, Ishrat Jahan, Meena Afroze Shanta, Nigar Sultana Tithi, Nishat Nasrin. A Comparative Phytochemical and Biological Study between Different Solvent Extracts of Bombax ceiba Roots Available in Bangladesh. Pharmacology & Pharmacy, 9, 53-66, 2018.
- Nazia Hoque, Dr. Md. Hossain Sohrab, Trisha Debnath, Dr. Md. Sohel Rana, Antioxidant, antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of various extracts of Thysanolaena maxima (roxb.) Kuntze available in Chittagong Hill tracts of Bangladesh. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8(7), 168-172, 2016
- Nazia Hoque, Abdullah-Al-Faysal, Iftekhar Ahmed, Md. Rafi-Uz-Zaman Akanda, Nargis Sultana Chowdhury, “In vitro antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of the various extracts of Ganoderma lucidum available in Bangladesh”, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 4(3), 42-46, 2015.
- Nazia Hoque, Abdullah-Al-Faysal, Iftekhar Ahmed, Nargis Sultana Chowdhury, “Phytochemical screening and In vitro bioactivities of the various extracts of Carica papya leaves available in Bangladesh”, International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 4(3): 341-348, 2015
- Nazia Hoque, Md. Razibul Habib, Mohammad Zafar Imam, Jamiuddin Ahmed and Md. Sohel Rana, “Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Potential of Methanolic Extract of Glinus oppositifolius L. “, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(8): 729-733, 2011
- Nazia Hoque, Mohammad Zafar Imam, Saleha Akter, Md. Ehsanul Hoque Mazumder, S.M. Raquibul Hasan, Jamiuddin Ahmed and Md. Sohel Rana, “Antioxidant and antihyperglycemic activities of methanolic extract of Glinus oppositifolius leaves. “, Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 01 (07), 50-53, 2011 (Q2 journal).
- Jamiuddin Ahmed, Md. Nur Alam , Nazia Hoque, Md. Sohel Rana, Moynul Hasan and Md. Hossain Sohrab. “Preliminary Antimicrobial and Antihyperglycemic Activities of Mariscus sumatrensis. “, Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal , 15(1), 43-45, 2012
Conference & Seminars
- Tabassum, N., Sohrab, M.S. Zinnurine, R., Islam, S., Hoque, N. (2024). Isolation, identification and bioactivity of endophytic fungi isolated from the medicinal plant Murraya paniculata. Proceedings of International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, 06-07 December, 2024, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 107.
- Hoque, N., Menon, S.N., Jones, M., Nguyen, T., Ezewudo, E., Zerin, F., Simon, N.P., Hasan, R. (2024), Novel modulation of macrophage endothelin system for the treatment of drug-resistant hypertension. COP-SOM Research Conference, October 25, Mercer University, Atlanta, GA, USA.
- Hoque, N., Sohrab, M.S., Rashid, P.T., Tabassum, N., Begum, M.N., Alam, M., Islam, S. (2024). Isolation, Identification and Bioactivity of Endophytic Fungi Associated with the Medicinal Plant Clausena excavata Burm. f. Proceedings of International Conference on Biology, Ecology and Life Sciences (ICBELS-24), 22-23 April, Sydney, Australia (Hybrid).
- Salam, S., Kabyo, N.M., Taiweyba, J.F., Hossain, S., Suma, N. A., Arzuman, F., Hoque, N. (2024), Phytochemical and pharmacological investigation of different parts of Clausena excavata. Proceedings of BCSIR Congress-2023, 8-10 March 2024, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Hoque, N., Afroz, F., Hasan, C.M., Rana, M.S., Sohrab, M.H., 2022. Isolation, characterization and cytotoxicity of the compounds isolated from an endophyte Fusarium sp. associated with the plant Dracaena spicata Roxb. BCSIR Congress, 2022, 01-03 December, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p.119
Mou, N. J., Honey, u., Ane, T.A., Mia, M. M., Tithi, N. S., Hoque, N. 2022. Prevalence of Depression in Students & Service Holders across Different Areas of Bangladesh during COVID-19 pandemic. BCSIR Congress, 2022, 01-03 December, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p.332
Tasfia, S. R., Rahman, M., Hoque, N., Sakib, H. A., Khanam, T., Islam, S. 2021. Evaluation of prescription errors in COVID-19 infected patients in the outpatient department of different hospitals in Bangladesh. The 8th International Pharmacy Students Academic Forum. China Pharmaceutical University, China.
- Hoque, N., Sohrab, M.H., Rana, M.S., 2020. Isolation and characterization of endophytic fungi from Aglaonema hookerianum Schott. 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on Social and Life Sciences, February 27-29, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P. 97.
- Fatemee, N., Hossain, M.J., Ria,F.A., Ahmed, H., Hoque, N., 2020. An in vivo assessment of the central nervous system effect of methanol extract of Thysanolaena maxima Roxb. 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on Social and Life Sciences, February 27-29, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P.106.
- Pavel, O.F., Devi, N.R., Goswami, P., Hoque, N., 2020. Assessing the Knowledge Pattern on First Aid: A Survey on Students and Job Holders in Bangladesh. 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on Social and Life Sciences, February 27-29, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P. 69.
- Ghosh, R., Parvin M., Mumu M. H., Sarker M., Hoque, N., 2020. Phytochemical and Pharmacological Investigation of Different Fractions of Citrus aurantifolia Peel. 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on Social and Life Sciences, February 27-29, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P. 108.
- Rafi, S., Zahan, N., Moushumi, R., Sharmili, N., Tanha, F., Hoque, N., 2020. Investigation of antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity of different extracts of Garcinia cowa leaves and stems. 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on Social and Life Sciences, February 27-29, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P.109.
- Bristy, A.A., Tonny, U.K., Rajib, M.N.I., Hoque, N., 2020. Pharmacological investigation of different solvent extracts of Abroma augusta bark and fruit. 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on Social and Life Sciences, February 27-29, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P. 101.
- Zinnia, M.A., Maria. L.A., Sharna, M.T., Haque, M., Hoque, N., 2020. A comparative study on antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of different solvent extract of Aglaonema hookerianum Schott. 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on Social and Life Sciences, February 27-29, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P. 102.
- Nasirullah, Shanta, M.A., Yunus, M. S., Hoque, N., 2020. Antioxidant, cytotoxic and antinociceptive potential of petroleum ether extracts of Stereospermum chelonoides leaves and Bark. 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on Social and Life Sciences, February 27-29, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P. 104.
- Hoque, N., Sohrab, M.H., Hasan, C.M., Afroz, F., Rana, M.S., 2018. Isolation and characterization of sterols from an endophytic fungus Fusarium solani. 18th International Congress of International Society for Ethnopharmacology and 5th International Congress of the Society for Ethnopharmacology, India (ISE-SFEC 2018), January 13-15, Dhaka. Bangladesh, 18/O-47.
- Hoque, N., Sohrab, M.H., Hasan, C.M., Hossain, M.E., Begum, M.N., Rana, M.S., 2017. Bioactive secondary metabolites from an endophytic fungus Fusarium oxysporum. 56th IRES International Conference, January 1-2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, p. 22.
- Hoque, N., Shanta, M.A., 2017. Phytochemical and pharmacological studies on different extracts of Bombax ceiba roots, International conference of Bangladesh Chemical Society, Chittagong, Bangladesh, p. 90.
- Hoque, N., Sohrab, M.H., Rana, M.S., 2016. Phytochemical and pharmacological investigations Thysanolaena maxima (Roxb.) Kuntze available in Bangladesh. 6th Asia-Pacific Pharma Congress, July 11-13, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, p. 91.
- Chowdhury, N.S., Sohrab, M.H., Rana, M.S., Hasan, C.M., Hoque, N., 2016. Bioactive metabolites from two aquatic plants of Bangladesh and their associated endophytic fungi. 6th Asia-Pacific Pharma Congress, July 11-13, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, p. 90.
- Hoque, N., Sohrab, M.H., Rony, S.R., Sharmin, S., Hasan, C.M., Rana, M.S., 2015. Isolation, characterization and bioassay screening of secondary metabolites of Thysanolaena maxima and their associated endophytic fungi. 4th International Conference on Medical, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICMBPS’2015), December 15-16, Pattaya, Thailand. p.165.
Research Grants
Title of the Project
Phytochemical and Pharmacological Analysis of Secondary Metabolites of Endophytic Fungi associated with Few Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh
Research Role
Principal Investigator (PI)
Award Date
12 October, 2023
Completion Date
Funding Agency
East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT)
Book Chapter
1. Mehjabin, S., Akanda, M. K. M., Hoque, N., Hasan, A. N., Parvez, G. M., & Mosaddik, A. (2024). Flavonoid Intake and Risk of Toxicity in Chronic Metabolic Disease. Role of Flavonoids in Chronic Metabolic Diseases: From Bench to Clinic, 511-534, Wiley Online Library. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781394238071.ch14
Journal Publication
Publications in International Journals:
- Rana S., Mamun, A.S.M.A, Rahman F.M. , and Elgohari H. (2023). Outliers as a Source of Overdispersion in Poisson Regression Modelling: Evidence from Simulation and Real Data. International Journal of Statistical Sciences. Vol. 23. Page. 31-37. DOI: 10.3329/ijss.v23i2.70105.
- Rana S., Adamu, MM, Elgohari H (2022). A New Approach of Using the Goldfeld-Quandt Test of Heteroscedasticity for Multiple Linear Regression, International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, Vol. 18 (2), pp. 697-703.
- Mamun, A.S.M.A, Zubairi, YZ, Hussin, A.G, Imon, A. H. M. R, Rana, S. & Carrasco, J. (2022). Identification of influential observation in linear structural relationship model with known slope, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 51(1), 72-83, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2019.1645172
- Baba I, Midi H, Gafurjan, I, and Rana S, (2022). A new optimization scheme for robust design modeling with unbalanced data, Sains Malaysiana, , Vol. 51(5), 1577-1586.
- Rana S., Eshita, NN, and Mamun, ASMA (2021). Robust Normality Test in the Presence of Outliers, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1863 (2021) 012009.
- Mamun, A.S.M.A, Imon., A.H.M.R, Zubairi, YZ, Hussin, A.G, Rana, S. (2020). Identification of High Leverage Points in Linear Functional Relationship Model, Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research. Vol. 16(3), pp 491-500.
- Mamun, A.S.M.A, Zubairi, YZ, Hussin, A.G, Rana, S. (2020). A Modified Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Parameters of Linear Structural Relationship Model, Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 14(2), pp. 209–220.
- Rana S., Elgohari H. and Islam M.F (2019). Temperature Modeling of Rangpur Division, Bangladesh : A Comparative Study between Artificial Neural Network and Linear Regression model, International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, Vol. 15(1), pp 123-130.
- Islam MR, Rana MS, Hossain MM et al. (2019) Determining the lx and estimating the force of mortality for children under five in Bangladesh. F1000Research, 8:2045.
- Saadati, M, Bagheri, A and Rana, S (2018). Application of Classification and Regression Trees Algorithm to Classify Children Ever Born: BDHS 2011, Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 12(3), pp. 401–419.
- Sleabi, W.D., Rana, S., Alshaybawee, T and Midi, H. (2018). The single-index support vector regression model to address the problem of high dimensionality, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 47 (9), pp. 2792-2799.
- Rana, S., Sleabi, W.D. and Midi, H. (2018). Fixed Parameters Support Vector Regression for Outlier Detection. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research. 52(2), pp. 267-292.
- Ahmed Kadom, A, Midi, H. and Rana, S. (2018) The Performance of k-means Clustering Method based on Robust Principal Components, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 103(11), pp. 1757-1767.
- Sleabi, W.D., Rana, S.and Midi, H. (2017). A high breakdown, high efficiency and bounded influence modified GM estimator based on support vector regression, Journal of Applied Statistics, 44 (4), pp. 700-714.
- Uraibi, H, Midi, H. and Rana, S. (2017). Selective overview of forward selection in terms of robust correlations, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 46(7), pp. 5479-5503.
- Sleabi, W.D., Rana, S. , Alshaybawee, T and Midi, H. (2017). Elastic Net for Single Index Support Vector Regression Model, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 51(2), 195-210.
- Uraibi, H, Midi, H. and Rana, S. (2017). Robust multivariate Least Angle Regression, ScienceAsia, Vol 43, 56–60.
- Mahmood, E.A., Midi, H., Rana, S., and Hussin, A.G (2017). Robust Circular Distance and its Application in the Identification of Outliers in the Simple Circular Regression Model , Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(3), pp. 126 – 133.
- Mahmood, E.A., Rana, S., Hussin, A.G and Midi, H. (2017). Adjusting Outliers in Univariate Circular Data, Partanika Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 25(4), 1147 – 1158.
- Midi, H., Mahdi, O. and Rana, S. (2017). Diagnostic Robust Generalised Potentials based on GM6 to Identify High Leverage Points in Simultaneous Regression Model, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 101(8), pp.1785-1800.
- Mahmood, E.A., Rana, S., Midi, H. and Hussin, A.G (2017). Detection of Outliers in Univariate Circular Data using Robust Circular Distance, Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 17(2), pp. 418 – 432.
- Mamun, A.S.M.A., Zubairi, Y. Z., Hussin, A.G., Imon, A.H.M.R and Rana, S (2017). Small-Sample Confidence Interval for the Slope of Linear Structural Relationship Model, Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, 10(2), pp. 374-383.
- Hanafi, M.H, Noor,N.M, Rana, S and Saad, F.F.A (2017). Standardisation Techniques of Independent PET/CT Modalities utilising PET SUVmax as a Potential Conversion Marker, Transylvanian Review, 25(21).
- Shazreen, S., Rana, S., Shakher, R., Cheah, Y.Q., Malini, V.K., Shahrun Niza, A.S., Saladina, J.J. and Fathinul Fikri, A.S. (2017). The value of 18f-fluorodeoxyglucose and MRI DWI in underpinning cellular reprogramming in breast cancer, International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 07, Article ID: 6461, 5 page.
- Rana, S., Mahmood, E.A., Midi, H. and Hussin, A.G (2016). Robust Detection of Outliers in Response and Explanatory Variables of the Simple Circular Regression Model, Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 10 (3), pp. 399–414.
- Rana, S., Sleabi, W.D. and Midi, H. (2016). A Hybrid Technique for Selecting Support Vector Regression Parameters Based on a Practical Selection Method and Grid Search Procedure, Economic computation and economics cybernetics studies and research., 50(2), 231–246.
- Peng, L.Y, Midi, H., Rana, S and Fitrianto, A (2016). Identification of Multiple Outliers in a Generalized Linear Model with Continuous Variables, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 5840523, 9 pages.
- Hasan M. N., Rana, S., Malek, M. B., Das, K. R. and Sultana N. (2016). Modeling Bangladesh’s Gross Domestic Product Using Regression Approach, Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Volume10(2): 233-246.
- Mamun, A.S.M.A., Zubairi, Y. Z., Hussin, A.G.and Rana, S (2016). A comparison of missing data handling methods in linear structural relationship model: evidence from BDHS2007 data, Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, 09 (1), 124-135.
- Jiin, R.L.T, Anwar Fitrianto, Rana, S, Midi, H.(2015). An Alternative Identification of Influential points in Cox Proportional Hazards Model, International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, 53 (5), pp. 187 – 191.
- Sleabi, W.D., Rana, S. and Midi, H. (2015). Non-sparse -insensitive Support Vector Regression for Outlier Detection, Journal of Applied Statistics, 42(8), 1723–1739.
- Rana, S., Fitrianto, A, Wen Jie, K., Midi, H. and A.H.M.R. Imon (2015). Robust feasible generalized least squares: A remedial measures of heteroscedasticity, International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, 53 (5), pp. 192 – 199.
- Mohammed, M.A., Midi, H. and Rana, S (2015). Robust Jackknife Ridge Regression to Combat Multicollinearity and High Leverage Points, Economic computation and economics cybernetics studies and research. Vol.49 (4), 305-322.
- Baba, I., Midi, H., Rana, S.and Gafurjan, I., (2015). An Alternative Approach of Dual Response Surface Optimization Based on Penalty Function Method, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2015, Article ID 450131, 6 pages, 2015. DOI:10.1155/2015/450131.
- Uraibi, H, Midi, H. and Rana, S. (2015). Robust Stability Best Subset Selection for Autocorrelated Data Based on Robust Location and Dispersion Estimator, Journal of Probability and Statistics, Vol. 2015, Article ID 432986, 8 pages, DOI: DOI 10.1155/2015/432986.
- Rana, S., Happy John.,A ,Midi, H. and A.H.M.R. Imon (2015). Robust Regression Imputation for Missing data in the Presence of Outliers, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 97(2), pp. 183-195.
- Midi, H., Rana, S. and Imon, A. H.M.R (2014). Two Step Robust Estimator in Heteroscedastic Regression Model in the presence of Outliers, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research. Volume 48 (3), 255-272.
- Siraj-Ud-Doulah M., Rana, S. and Midi, H (2014). Model Recognition by using Principal Component analysis (PCA) approach. Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Volume 41(1), pp. 224-230.
- Marikkar, J.M.N. and Rana, S. (2014). Use of Differential Scanning Calorimery to detect Canola Oil (Brassica napus L) Adulterated with Lard Stearin, Journal of Oleo Science, Volume 63(9), 867 – 873.
- Fitrianto, A., Wijayanto, H., Rana, S. and Voon, Y.C. (2014). Median Polish for Final Grades of MTH3000- and MTH4000- Level Courses, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Volume 8, 6295 – 6302.
- Rana, S., Midi, H and Fitrianto A. (2013). Statistical Significance of Rank Regression. Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7(82), 4067 – 4072.
- Rana, S., Habshah Midi and S.K. Sarkar (2013). Determinants of Desire for Children: A Multinomial Logistic Regression Approach, Life Science Journal, Volume 10 (2), pp. 1460 – 1467.
- Farid, H., Ismail I. A., Sadeghi and Rana, S. (2013) Propelling the Innovation Speed for Malaysian Biotechnology Products, Life Science Journal, Volume 10 (3), pp. 503 – 510.
- Midi, H. Ann, H. L. and Rana, S. (2013). On the Robust Parameter Estimation for Linear Model with Autocorrelated Errors.Advanced Science Letters, Volume 19 (8), pp. 2494 – 2496.
- Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2012). Robust Wild Bootstrap for Stabilizing the Variance of Parameter Estimates in Heteroscedastic Regression Models in the Presence of Outlier Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2012, Article ID 730328, 14 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/730328.
- Rana, S., Siraj-Ud-Doulah, M., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2012). Decile Mean: A New Robust Measure of Central Tendency. Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 39(3), pp. 478-485.
- Farid H., Ismail, I. A., Sarkar, S.K. and Rana S. (2012). Optimizing Success in Biotechnology Innovation Adoption: Comparing the Perspectives of Academic Researchers and Biotechnology Companies Officers. Archives Des Sciences, 65 (8), pp. 513-525.
- Siraj-Ud-Doulah M., Rana, S. and Midi , H. (2012). New Robust Tests for the Detection of ARCH Effect. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 46 (1/2012), 251-259.
- Farid H., Sadeghi Z. and Rana S. (2012). An Evaluation of Online Shopping and Its Effect on Customers’ Satisfaction and Behaviour in Malaysia. Journal of American Science, Vol. 8(7), pp. 704-707.
- Farid H., Sadeghi Z. and Rana S. (2012). Measurement and Mutual Perception of Online Customers satisfaction in malaysia. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 12(1), pp. 11-18.
- Midi, H., Sarkar, S.K. and Rana, S. (2011). Adequacy of Multinomial Logit Model with Nominal Responses over Binary Logit Model. Trends in Applied Sciences Research,6 (8), pp. 900-908.
- Midi, H., Rana, S., and Nur Afzan Mat Said (2011). The Application of Two Stage Robust Weighted Least Squares and Robust Bootstraping Procedure on Food Expenditure Data, International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, Vol.20 (M11), pp. 25-37.
- Sarkar, S. K., Midi, H., and Rana, S. (2011). Detection of Outliers and Influential Observations in Binary Logistic Regression: An Empirical Study, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol.11(1), pp. 26-35.
- Midi, H., Rana, S., and Sarkar, S. K. (2010).Binary Response Modeling and Validation of its Predictive Ability, WSEAS Transition of Mathematics, Vol. 9(6) , 438-447.
- Sarkar, S. K., Midi, H., and Rana, S. (2010). Collinearity Diagnostics of Binary Logistic Regression Model, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 13(3), pp. 253-267.
- Sarkar, S.K., Midi, H. and Rana, S. (2010). Model Selection in Logistic Regression and Performance of its Predictive Ability. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(12), 5813-5822.
- Rana, S., Midi, H. and, Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). A Robust Rescaled Moment Test for Normality in Regression, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 5(1), pp. 54-62.
- Midi, H., Rana, S., and, Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). The Performance of Robust Weighted Least Squares in the Presence of Outliers and Heteroscedastic Errors, WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 8(7), pp. 351-361.
- Midi, H., Rana, S., and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). Estimation of Parameters in Heteroscedastic Multiple Regression Model Using Leverage Based Near-Neighbors, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 9(22), pp. 4013-4019.
- Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R.(2008). A Robust Modification of the Goldfeld-Quandt Test for the Detection of Heteroscedasticity in the Presence of Outliers, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 4(4), pp. 277-283.
Conference & Seminars
- Rana, S and Bagheri, A. (2020). Outlier Detection in Poisson Regression Model: Evidence from Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey Data, Proceedings of the ISI world statistics congress 2019, Volume 1, pp. 384- 391.
- Muhammad A.A and Rana S. (2019). Robust inference in the presence of heteroscedasticity and high leverage points. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol 2184, 050022 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5136410
- Mahmood, E.A., Rana, S.,Hussin, A.G. and Midi, H (2016).Detection of outliers in the response and explanatory variables of the simple circular regression model.AIP Conference proceedings1739, 020081 (2016); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4952561
- Ariffin, S.B, Midi, M., Arasan, J. and Rana, S. (2015). The effect of high leverage points on the maximum estimated likelihood for separation in logistic regression, The 2nd ISM International Statistical Conference (ISM -II),AIP Conference Proceedings 1643, 402 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4907472
- Fitrianto, A., Rana, S., Midi, H., and Hydara, K. (2015). Effects of a Single Outlier on the Coefficient of Determination: An Empirical Study, The 2nd ISM International Statistical Conference (ISM-II), AIP Conference Proceedings 1643, 409 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4907473.
- Rana, S., Midi, H. and A.H.M.R Imon (2014). Variables Selection Procedure based on Robust Approach, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (ICCEMS 2014), 672-678.
- Ariffin,S.B, Midi,H., Rana, S.andArasan, J (2014). Robust Logistic Regression Multivariate High Leverage Points Diagnostic in Computer Engineering, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (ICCEMS 2014), 672-678.
- Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R (2014). Detection of Outliers in Multivariate Data Based on COMEDIANMAD Approach, Fundamental Science Congress 2014, pp. 270-272.
- Yee Peng, L., Midi, H, Fitrianto, A. and Rana, S (2014). Generalized Linear Model Procedure based on Robust Estimator for Designed Experiment with Poisson Distributed Response Variable, Fundamental Science Congress 2014, pp. 347-349.
- Mustafa, M.S., Midi, H. ,Rana, S.andFitrianto, A. (2014). Robust Design in the Dual Response Approach, Fundamental Science Congress 2014, pp. 335-337.
- Ariffin, S.B, Midi, H., Arasan, J. and Rana, S. (2014). The Effect of High Leverage Point and Separated Data in the Hidden Logistic Regression Model, Fundamental Science Congress 2014, pp. 341-343.
- Midi, H., Baba, I., Rana, S., and Gafurjan, I. (2014).An Improve Dual Response Surface Optimization, Fundamental Science Congress 2014, pp. 344-346.
- Mustafa, M.S., Midi, H. and Rana, S. (2013). Heteroscedastic regression model in the response surface design, Fundamental Science Congress 2013, pp. 482-485.
- Midi, H., Rana, S. and Imon, A.H.M.R (2013). On a Robust Estimator in Heteroscedastic Regression Model in the Presence of Outliers, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, London 2013, Vol I, pp. 6 pages, ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online).
- Rana, S. Midi, H. and Siraj-Ud-Doulah M. (2013). An alternative model selection criterion based on principal component analysis, Fundamental Science Congress 2013, pp. 478-481.
- Ariffin, S.B, Midi, H., Arasan, J. and Rana, S. (2013).Performance of Ridge regression estimator for logistic regression model with application on cancer remission multicollinear data, Fundamental Science Congress 2013, pp. 490-494.
- Rana, S., John, A.H. and Midi, H. (2012). Robust Regression Imputation for Analyzing Missing Data. Proceedings of the International conference on Statistics in Science, Business and Engineering 2012 (ICSSBE2012), IEEE Xplore (Conference proceedings), pp(s). 1-4. DOI: 1109/ICSSBE.2012.6396621
- Mohammadi, M., Midi, H.,Rana, S. and Arasan, J.A/P (2012). The application of simple errors in variables model on real data. Proceedings of the International conference on Statistics in Science, Business and Engineering 2012 (ICSSBE2012), IEEE Xplore (Conference proceedings), pp (s). 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/ICSSBE.2012.6396544
- Rana, S., Midi, H. and Siraj-Ud-Doulah, M. (2012). Robust Chi-Square Base ARCH Test. Fundamental Science Congress,29-30.
- Rana, S., Midi, H. (2011). A bootstrapping approach of the Significance of Rank Regression. Fundamental Science Congress,403-404.
- Rana, S., Midi, H. and S. K. Sarkar (2010). Validation and Performance Analysis of Binary Logistic Regression Model, Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conference on Environment, Medicine and Health Sciences (EMEH’10), pp. 51-55, 23-25 March, Penang, Malaysia. ISSN: 1790-5125, ISBN: 978-960-474-170-0.
- Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R (2010). Performance of Heteroscedasticity Consistence Covariance Matrix on Food Expenditure Data, Fundamental Science Congress, pp. 72-73, ISBN: 978-983-2519-07-2.
- Midi, H., Rana, S., and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). Robust Estimation of Regression Parameters with Heteroscedastic Errors in the Presence of Outliers, Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science (ACACOS’09), pp. 128-134, 20-22 May, Hangzhou, China. ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-474-075-8.
- Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). Two Stage Estimation of Regression Parameters in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity, Proceedings of the 5th Asian Mathematical Conference, pp. 318-324, 22-26 June, World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). Robust Estimation of Parameters in Heteroscedastic Multiple Regression Model in the Presence of Outliers, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics(ICREM4), pp. 264-271, 21-23 October, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN 978-967-344-092-4.
- Midi, H., Rana, S. and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). Robust Estimation of Regression Parameters with Heteroscedastic Errors in the Presence of Outliers. Fundamental Science Congress,382-383.
- Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). Estimation of Regression Parameters in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity with Unknown Form. Fundamental Science Congress,403-404.
- Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R (2009). Correcting for Heteroscedasticity with Heteroscedasticity Consistent Standard Errors in the Presence of Outliers and High Leverage Points, The Proceeding of the 17th National Mathematical Science Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 687-693. 15-17 December, Melaka, Malaysia, ISBN 978-967-960-256-2.
- Midi, H., Rana, S., and NurAfzan Mat Said (2009). Analysing Food Expenditure Data Using Robust Weighted Least Squares, The Proceeding of the 17th National Mathematical Science Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 694-700. 15-17 December, Melaka, Malaysia, ISBN 978-967-960-256-2.
- Rana, S.,Imon, A.H.M.R and Midi, H. (2008). Detection of Heteroscedasticity in The Presence of Outliers, The Proceeding of the 16th National Mathematical Science Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 262-269.
Selected Journal Articles
Publication in International Journal:
Jahan, MN, (2020), Analyzing Child Rape in Bangladesh: A Socio-Legal Perspective, International Annals of Criminology, Volume 58, Issue 1, Cambridge University Press, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/cri.2020.20
Jahan, M.N., Medical Malpractice in Bangladesh: Behind the Mist of Corona Pandemic," An Untold Loss by Corona, N.B. Publications, Kunal Books, pg 29-48, 2020, ISBN: 978-93-89234-90-9.
Jahan, MN, (2018), The Doctrine of Superior Responsibility in The Trials of International Crimes: A Comparative Study of The International Crimes Tribunals of Bangladesh and Other Jurisdictions, European Journal of Law and Political Sciences, Vol 1, 2018, pp. 6-19, Premier Publishing, Vienna, ISSN 2310-5712.
Publication in National Journal:
Jahan, MN, (2021), Radicalization, Terrorism and Counter Terrorism Approach in Bangladesh, Counter Terrorism Journal, Counter Terrorism & Transnational Crime (CTTC), Dhaka Metropolitan Police, Volume 1, Number 1, Pathak Shamabesh, Bangladesh, ISSN: 2710-4710.
Jahan, M.N., (co-author), Principles of Natural Justice, Its Prospects and Application in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis, City University Journal, Volume 2, Number 1, 2016, ISSN 2412-282.
Web Journal:
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Stricter surveillance required on global militant activities online, South Aisa Monitor, published on August 19, 2020. Available at https://southasiamonitor.org/open-forum/stricter-surveillance-required-global-militant-activities-online
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Humanity in exile: Time for a new world order, South Aisa Monitor, published on July 24, 2020. Available at https://southasiamonitor.org/open-forum/humanity-exile-time-new-world-order
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Why terrorism eludes definition? South Aisa Monitor, published on June 6, 2020.
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), US-Taliban peace deal: Peace for whom? South Asia Monitor, Published on April 13, 2020. available at https://southasiamonitor.org/spotlight/us-taliban-peace-deal-peace-whom
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), With laws, more social awareness needed to curb child pornography in South Asia, South Asia Monitor, published on March 20, 2020, available at http://www.southasiamonitor.org/spotlight/laws-more-social-awareness-needed-curb-child-pornography-south-asia
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Break the taboo of rape from society, South Asia Monitor, published on March 15, 2020, available at http://www.southasiamonitor.org/open-forum/break-taboo-rape-society?
Selected Conference Paper
1. Jahan MN, & Nishat NJ, (2021), A Constructive Analysis on Reconciliation between Media and Islamic Ideology for the Elimination of Islamophobia, presented at the 1st Annual Conference, Office for National Unity and Reconciliation, Sri Lanka, (held on 30-31 October 2021), organized by the Office for National Unity and Reconciliation, Sri Lanka.
2. Jahan, MN, (2019), Rape of Female Child: Bangladesh Perspective, presented at The 19th World Congress of The International Society of Criminology, (held on 28-30 October, 2019), jointly organized by The International Society of Criminology, Qatar University, UNODC, Police College Qatar, Law College Qatar, held at Ritz Carlton Hotel, Doha, Qatar.
3. Jahan, MN, (2019), Legal Provisions on Child Pornography in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study On South Asian Landscape, presented at the International Conference on Criminal Law and Victims of Crime, (held on 24-25 October, 2019), organized by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, held at Bali, Indonesia.
4. Jahan, MN, (2019), Examining Child Rape Provisions in Bangladesh in Comparison with Other South Asian Countries, presented at the International Conference on Criminology, Penal Law and Crime, (held on 19-20 August, 2019), organized by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, held at Bangkok, Thailand.
5. Jahan, MN, (2018), Bangladesh-India Maritime Delimitation: Significance of the Arbitral Award from the International Law Perspectives, presented at the 2nd International Conference on 'International Law', (held on 29-31 March, 2018), organized by, the Department of Law, East West University, organizing partner, NILS Bangladesh, Media Partners- Lawyersclubbangladesh.com and Radio Dhol 94.0 FM, held at Nausher Ali Lecture Gallery, East West University, Bangladesh.
Keynote Speaker in Seminars
1. Jahan, MN, presented a paper on the third series of "Meet the Legal Minds" titled " Social Media and Cyber Crime" titled " Explaining Criminological Theories Behind Social Media Related Cyber Crimes" on 16.10.2018, organized by the Department of Law, East West University.
2. Jahan, MN, presented a paper on the second series of "Meet the Legal Minds" titled " সন্ত্রাসবাদের দায় কার?"titled "The Reasons Behind Radicalization on Terrorism and Possible Remedies: A Criminological Perspective" on 01.02.2018, organized by the Department of Law, East West University.
Selected Newspaper Op-Ed
Monira Nazmi Jahan (2022), সাইবার নিরাপত্তা সচেতনতা মাসে আমরা কতটুকু সচেতন? SomoynewsTv, published on October 09, 2022. Available at https://rb.gy/3wh0rj
Monira Nazmi Jahan (2022), নারীর জয় তবু রাষ্ট্র নারীবান্ধব নয়! Jagonews24.com, published on September 23, 2022. Available at https://rb.gy/rad0b6
Monira Nazmi Jahan (2022), কত শিক্ষক অপমানিত হলে আমাদের ঘুম ভাঙবে? DhakaPost, published on July 7, 2022. Available at https://rb.gy/txevhe
Monira Nazmi Jahan (2022), রোহিঙ্গাদের বোঝা আর কত বইতে হবে? Banglaribune, published on May 12, 2022. Available at https://rb.gy/qedqei
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2021), স্বাধীনতার ৫০ বছরে নারীর নিরাপত্তা কি নিশ্চিত হয়েছে? BanglaTribune, published on December 29, 2021. Available at shorturl.at/msQS8
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2021), হলি আর্টিজান ট্র্যাজেডি : শোক হোক শক্তি. Jagonews24.com, published on July 2, 2021. Available at https://www.jagonews24.com/m/opinion/article/680452?fbclid=IwAR3aDPQxVioWd7yvVNpNUVf3u39Uqj4TCpHLYMe9_3Ew8xUL3uvUhMu3tDI
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2021), আফগানিস্তান থেকে মার্কিনীদের রহস্যময় প্রস্থান কেন? Jagonews24.com, published on May 19, 2021. Available at https://www.jagonews24.com/m/opinion/article/668384?fbclid=IwAR19EZfvrWHSH_rDq_bjlwgfw90Ien1da5-OU5qqcq7xDgzDNcWhhTMuP_s
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2021), করোনা কি মানুষকে শোধরাতে পেরেছে? Jagonews24.com, published on April 11, 2021.Available at https://www.jagonews24.com/m/opinion/article/657894?fbclid=IwAR0agoJsQgqdrMBm8moJVzJww_WoQ1xHx_OQhQSd7j2SEKl0R-9P6JLYBzI
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2021), েকন থামেছ না িকেশার অপরাধ? Why juvenile delinquency is not stopping? Dhaka Post, published on March 12, 2021. Available at https://cutt.ly/ont9Ath
Monira Nazmi Jahan, Violence against women, is on the rise, “নারী নির্যাতন বেড়েই চলেছে”, The Daily Ittefaq, published on March 10, 2021, Available at https://rb.gy/kvcesa
Monira Nazmi Jahan, Wake up mother, daughter, bride, wife, sister! “জাগো মাতা, কন্যা, বধূ, জায়া, ভগ্নী!” Bangla Tribune, published on March 8, 2021. Available at https://rb.gy/1ma1jc
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2021), সাইবার অপরাধ িনয়�েণ আসেব িকভােব? How to control cybercrime? Dhaka Post, published on February 23, 2021. Available at https://www.dhakapost.com/opinion/13056
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), ইয়াসমিন ট্র্যাজেডির ২৫ বছর: ধর্ষণ কমেছে নাকি বেড়েছে? দৈনিক বাংলাদেশ প্রতিদিন, published on August 29, 2020, available at https://www.bd-pratidin.com/open-air-theater/2020/08/29/561412?fbclid=IwAR36M-DpWZ4_trTQHZcBUnbqbE3V4G3hyEKiV6pX2jkL2_1xzPBDj-I47SM
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), বৈশ্বিক জঙ্গিবাদ ও বাংলাদেশ, দৈনিক ভোরের কাগজ, published on August 19, 2020. Available at https://www.bhorerkagoj.com/2020/08/18/%e0%a6%ac%e0%a7%88%e0%a6%b6%e0%a7%8d%e0%a6%ac%e0%a6%bf%e0%a6%95-%e0%a6%9c%e0%a6%99%e0%a7%8d%e0%a6%97%e0%a6%bf%e0%a6%ac%e0%a6%be%e0%a6%a6-%e0%a6%93-%e0%a6%ac%e0%a6%be%e0%a6%82%e0%a6%b2%e0%a6%be/?fbclid=IwAR2NkI-yADdSkum5k5-xssi9MgL2Vb3JiOagiM0cpZd32mTJ5S01O-2LuaA
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), নির্বাসনে মানবতা : বিপন্ন সভ্যতা, দৈনিক আমাদের সময়, published on July 20, 2020. Available at Page link
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Terrorist radicalization: Difficult to detect, The Daily Asian Age, published on July 10, 2020, available at https://dailyasianage.com/news/234908/terrorist-radicalization--difficult-to-detect?fbclid=IwAR0fr9h-MH-o4H4ygpZ4uFtKlpTni2kOwR1JX40s6Jav3OsqSQZRkgZGpeQ
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), হলি আর্টিজান: বিষাদের এক কালো অধ্যায়, দৈনিক বাংলাদেশ প্রতিদিন, published on July 01, 2020, available at https://www.bd-pratidin.com/open-air-theater/2020/07/01/544221?fbclid=IwAR3qk7tLcCghXdEmlPRhTa8QQF0EEJ3iLtMGf69ZK4m2aQq7peOP1kwebrY
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), “সবার উপরে মানুষ সত্য,” দৈনিক বাংলাদেশ প্রতিদিন, published on June 22, 2020, available at page link
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), মহামারীতেও থেমে নেই জঙ্গিগোষ্ঠির চক্রান্ত, bdnews24.com, published on June 14, 2020. Available at Page link
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Pandemics: Always accompanied by rumours, The Daily Observer, published on April 3, 2020, available at page link
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), মার্কিন-তালেবান শান্তিচুক্তি:কার শান্তির সম্ভাবনা কতটুকু? Jagonews24.com, published on May 3, 2020. available at Page link
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), মহামারীর সংক্রমন বনাম গুজবের আক্রমন, দৈনিক যুগান্তর, published on March 30, 2020, available at Page link
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Child pornography: Curse for civilization, The Daily Asian Age, published on January 17, 2020, available at https://dailyasianage.com/news/214437/child-pornography-curse-for-civilization
Republished from Njus International, available at https://www.njus.me/int/news/news/0/18078463/child-pornography-curse-for-civilization
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Stop Rape: Ensure Justice, The Daily Sun, published on, January 13, 2020, available at https://www.daily-sun.com/post/453985/Stop-Rape:-Ensure-Justice
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2019), Time to properly use forensic law, The New Age, published on December 24, 2019, available at https://www.newagebd.net/article/94442/time-to-properly-use-forensic-law
Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2019), Child Rape: Only Punishment Enough? The Daily Observer, published on November 20, available at https://www.observerbd.com/details.php?id=229102
Journal Publications
[J1] Al Rahbi, A. S., Al Mawali, A. H., Al Rawahi, S. S., Al Dighishi, R. K., Al Abri, F. A., Ahmed, A., & Rahman, S. 2024. Green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles from Salvadora persica leaf extract: Characterization and studying methyl orange removal by adsorption. Water Practice & Technology, 19(4), 1219-1231. (IF: 1.6, Q3)
[J2] Siddiqi, S. A., Rahman, S., Al-Mamun, A., Nayak, J. K., Sana, A., & Baawain, M. S. (2023). A new treatment step of bioelectrochemically treated leachate using natural clay adsorption towards sustainable leachate treatment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-13. (IF: 5.8, Q1)
[J3] Rahman, S., Al Balushi, N.J., Nayak, J.K., Al-Mamun, A., Al-Abri, M., Al Alawi, M., Sana, A., 2023. A review on semiconductor photocathode in bioelectrochemical systems: Mechanism, limitation, and environmental application. Mater. Today Sustain. 22, 100349. (IF: 7.8, Q1)
[J4] Al Balushi, N.J., Nayak, J.K., Rahman, S., Al-Mamun, A., and Sana, A., 2022d. A Comprehensive Study on Air-Cathode Limitations and Its Mitigation Strategies in Microbial Desalination Cell-A Review. Energies 2022, Vol. 15(20), Page 7459 (IF: 3.252, Q1)
[J5] Khan, M.M., Siddiqi, S.A., Farooque, A.A., Iqbal, Q., Shahid, S.A., Akram, M.T., Rahman, S., Al-Busaidi, W., Khan, I., 2022c. Towards Sustainable Application of Wastewater in Agriculture: A Review on Reusability and Risk Assessment. Agronomy 12, 1397. (IF: 3.7, Q1)
[J6] Rahman, S., Siddiqi, S.A., Al-Mamun, A., Jafary, T., 2022b. Sustainable leachate pre-treatment using microbial desalination cell for simultaneous desalination and energy recovery. Desalination 532, 115708. (IF: 8.4, Q1)
[J7] Al Hinai, A., Jafary, T., Alhimali, H., Rahman, S., Al-Mamun, A., 2022a. Desalination and acid-base recovery in a novel design of microbial desalination and chemical recovery cell. Desalination 525, 115(IF: 8.4, Q1)
[J8] Siddiqi, S.A., Al-Mulla, Y.A., McCann, I., AbuRumman, G., Belhaj, M., Zekri, S., Al-Ismaili, A., Rahman, S., 2021c. Smart Monitoring, Sap-Flow, Stem-Psychrometer And Soil-Moisture Measurements Tools For Precision Irrigation And Water Saving Of Date Palm. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 26, 568–578. (IF: 0.73, Q3)
[J9] Rahman, S., Al-Mamun, A., Jafary, T., Alhimali, H., Baawain, M.S., 2021b. Effect of internal and external resistances on desalination in microbial desalination cell. Water Sci. Technol. 1–15. (IF: 2.7, Q2)
[J10] Rahman, S., Jafary, T., Al-Mamun, A., Baawain, M.S., Choudhury, M.R., Alhaimali, H., Siddiqi, S.A., Dhar, B.R., Sana, A., Lam, S.S., Aghbashlo, M., Tabatabaei, M., 2021a. Towards upscaling microbial desalination cell technology: A comprehensive review on current challenges and future prospects. J. Clean. Prod. 288, 125597. (IF: 9.8 , Q1)
[J11] Ahmad, S., Rahman, S., Mumtaz, M., Ra, S., Inayat, A., Khurram, M.S., Seerangurayar, T., Jamil, F., 2020d. Potential of dates ( Phoenix dactylifera L .) as natural antioxidant source and functional food for healthy diet. Sci. Total Environ. 748, 141234. (IF: 8.2, Q1)
[J12] Al-Mamun, A., Jafary, T., Baawain, M.S., Rahman, S., Choudhury, M.R., Tabatabaei, M., Lam, S.S., 2020c. Energy recovery and carbon/nitrogen removal from sewage and contaminated groundwater in a coupled hydrolytic-acidogenic sequencing batch reactor and denitrifying biocathode microbial fuel cell. Environ. Res. 183, 109273. (IF: 7.7 , Q1)
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[J13] Jafary, T., Al-Mamun, A., Alhimali, H., Baawain, M.S., Rahman, M.S., Rahman, S., Dhar, B.R., Aghbashlo, M., Tabatabaei, M., 2020b. Enhanced power generation and desalination rate in a novel quadruple microbial desalination cell with a single desalination chamber. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 127, 109855. (IF: 16.3, Q1)
[J14] Jafary, T., Al-Mamun, A., Alhimali, H., Baawain, M.S., Rahman, S., Tarpeh, W.A., Dhar, B.R., Kim, B.H., 2020a. Novel two-chamber tubular microbial desalination cell for bioelectricity production, wastewater treatment and desalination with a focus on self-generated pH control. Desalination 481, 114358. (IF: 9.9, Q1)
[J15] Karim, M.R., Rahman, S., Hossain, M.A., Islam, M.A., Mahmud, S.G., Mahmud, Z.H., 2016. Microbiological effectiveness of mineral pot filters as household water treatment in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Microb. Risk Anal. 4. (IF: 2.8, Q3)
[J16] Karim, R.M., Rahman, S., Hossain, M.A., Rahman, M.S., Karim, M.R., 2016. Analysis of Physico-chemical and Microbial Quality of Urban Piped Water Supply and Associated Health Burden in Two Cities in Bangladesh. J. Hydrol. Environ. Res. 4, 25–34.
Conferences/ Poster
[C1] Rahman, S., Juma, Noor. Al-Mamun, A. Sana, Ahmad. (2023). “Improving Microbial Desalination Cell Performance by cathode modification using BiOCl/gCN as electrocatalyst to achieve a low-carbon emitting technology” Presented in the “International Conference on Air Pollution and Climate Change”, 16 – 19 January, 2023, Organized by Center for Environmental Studies & Research, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman. Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre from January 16-19, 2023
[C2] Rahman, S.(2022) . “Evidence Study for Simultaneous Desalination, Acid and Base Production from Petrochemical Wastewater Treatment in A Novel Design Bio-Electrochemical Reactor” Presented as a finalist for 2nd GPCA Innovation Competition in 7th GPCA Research and Innovation Conference, 26-27 September 2022, The Address Sky View Hotel, Dubai, UAE.
[C3] Rahman, S., Siddiqi, S., Al-Mamun, A.(2021). “Improved Treatment of Leachate Mixed Municipal Wastewater Using Bio-electrochemical Desalination Cell and Natural Clay Adsorption with Simultaneous Energy Production” Presented in the XIII Scientific Conference “Membranes and Membrane Processes in Environmental Protection” (MEMPEP 2021)", 10 – 11 June, 2021, Organized by Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Poland.
[C4] Poster: Rahman, S., Al-Mamun,A., Jafary.T., Baawain, M.(2020). “Role of Operating Resistance on Differential Cathode for Desalination, Sewage Treatment and Current Generation in Bio-electrochemical Cell” In the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Water Resources in Arid Areas 2020”, 9-11 November, 2020, Water Research Center at Sultan Qaboos University jointly with The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries Wealth & Water Resources, Sultanate of Oman.
[C5] Rahman, S., Karim, M.R., Mahmud, Z.H., (2018). “Laboratory investigation of the microbiological performance of ceramic water filters as household water treatment technology” In Proceedings of the 7th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology 2018 (BICET 2018), 12-14 November, 2018, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, Brunei, ISBN: 978-1-83953-002-9.
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[C6] Rahman, S., Al-Mamun, A., Baawain, M. (2018). “Prospects of Dissimilar Electron Donors to the Performance of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Electroactive Biofilms for Recovery of Electrical Energy ” In the Proceedings of the 1st International National Conference on Civil and Architectural Engineering, 26-28 March, 2018, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, pp 95-96. ISBN: 978-99969-3-060-7
[C7] Al-Mamun, A., Rahman, S., Baawain, M.(2018). “Treatment of Landfill Leachate by Single Chamber Air-Cathode Microbial Fuel Cell” In the Proceedings of the 4th Asia Pacific –International Society of Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology (AP-ISMET) Meetings, 13-16 November, 2018, Birla Institute of Technology & Science – Pilani, Goa, India, pp 3.
[C8] Rahman, S., Nafiz, T.N., Karim, M.R., Mahmud, Z.H., Niloy,R.R.(2017). Microbiological Evaluation of Ceramic Water Filters as Novel Household Water Treatment Devices in Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the 1st International Congress-2017 on Global Circle for Scientific Technological and Management Research(GCSTMR-2017),4-5 February,2017, DU, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp 30-31. ISBN: 978-0-6480147-0-6
[C9] Wahi, R.R., Mahmud, K., Rahman, S. (2012) “Assessment of Pharmaceutical Industries in Bangladesh - An Effective Step towards the Achievement of Environmental Sustainability” In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD-2012), 23-24 March 2012, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh, pp 25-26. ISBN: 978-984-33-4247-8.
Journal Publication
Al-Faryan, M.A.S., and Shil, N.C. (2023). Governance as an Interplay between Corruption and Polity: Conceptualizing from a National Perspective. Economies, 11(2), 65.
Chowdhury, A., and Shil, N. C. (2023). Management Control Systems in the Business Sector: Understanding Trends from Selected Literature in an International Setting. Indonesian Journal of Economics and Management, 3(2), 214-230.
Chowdhury, A., and Shil, N. C. (2023). Public Policy Issues in the Context of Public Sector Reforms: A Qualitative Storytelling of a Former Government Department in the Asia-Pacific Region. Asia-pacific Journal of Public Policy, 9(1), 74-91.
Shil, N. C., & Chowdhury, A. (2023). A Qualitative Narrative on the Practices of Transparency and Accountability at Local Government Institutions: The Case of a Union Parishad in Bangladesh. Local Administration Journal, 16(2), 151–176.
Shil, N. C., & Chowdhury, A. (2023). Public Administration Agendas in the Light of New Public Management: A Written Testimony of Reform Initiatives of an Asian Country. Journal of Public Administration and Government, 5(2), 143-160.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N.C. (2022). Management Control Systems as the Protagonist in Public Sector Reforms: Observations from Worldwide Selected Literature. RUDN Journal of Public Administration, Vol 9, Issue 3, pp. 302–316.
Al-Faryan, M.A.S., and Shil, N.C. (2022). Nexus between Governance and Economic Growth: Learning from Saudi Arabia. Cogent Business & Management, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 2130157.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2022). New Public Management as a Reform Initiative in the Australian Public Sector: Demonstrated Evidences from Literature. Journal of Public Administration and Local Governance, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 104-112.
Chowdhury, A, and Shil, N. C. (2022). Understanding Change Management in Organizational Context: Revisiting Literature. Management and Entrepreneurship: Trends of Development, Vol. 19, Issue 1, pp. 28-43.
Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2021). Understanding management accountants’ satisfaction: A conceptual study. Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 221-263.
Shil, N. C., and Kotha, A. T. (2021). Exploring the impact of policy reforms on market efficiency: evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange. The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 1-23.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2021). Performance management systems in public sector under new public management regime: An Australian case. Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law, Issue 20, pp. 40-60.
Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2021). Factors Influencing the Choice of Sophisticated Management Accounting Practices - Exploratory Evidence from An Emerging Market. Emerging Markets Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-12.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2021). Epitomes of New Public Management: Insights from Illustrative Literature on Worldwide Public Sector Reform Agendas. International Journal of Public Administration, Management and Economic Development, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 3-25.
Chowdhury, A and Shil, N. C. (2021). Private Sector Management Tools in the Public Sector: Illustrative Evidence of Literature from Australian Public Sector. Business Management, Issue 3, pp. 5-21.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2021). Thinking ‘Qualitative’ Through a Case Study: Homework for a Researcher. American Journal of Qualitative Research, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 190-210.
Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2020). Public Financial Management Systems in Bangladesh: An Ideological Review. Journal of Management & Public Policy, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 17-37.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2020). Cultural control systems in the context of New Public Management: An In-depth case study of an Australian Public Sector Organization. International Journal of Governance and Public Policy Analysis, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-31.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2020). Conceptualizing management control systems: Illustrative evidence from literature on the Australian business sector. Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review, Vol. 51, No. 11, pp. 51-63.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2020), Exploratory Evidence on Accounting System, Annual Report Review and New Public Management, International Journal of Finance and Managerial Accounting, Vol. 4, No. 16, Winter, pp. 27-37.
Super, S. O., Shil, N. C. (2019), Determinants of Audit Fee in the Manufacturing Sector in Nigeria, IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 62-75.
Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2019), Revisiting Management Accounting Practice Gap: A Proposed PERAPPGAP Model, Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 135-155.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2019), Influence of New Public Management Philosophy on Risk Management, Fraud and Corruption Control and Internal Audit: Evidence from an Australian Public Sector Organization, Journal of Accounting & Management Information Systems, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 486-508.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2019), Action control system and new public management: an in-depth case study, Slovak Journal of Public Policy and Public Administration, Vol. VI, No. 1, pp. 31-56.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2019), Financial Delegation system in the Context of New Public Management: Evidence from an Australian Public Sector, Strategic Public Management Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 10, pp. 1-11.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2019), Managing Human Resources in light of New Public Management Ideals: Corroboration from an Australian Public Sector Organization, Thai Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 17 No.2 pp. 67-93.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2019), Exploratory Evidence on Accounting System, Annual Report Review and New Public Management, International Journal of Finance and Managerial Accounting, Vol. 4, No. 16, Winter, pp. 27-37.
Shil, N. C., Hossain, M. N. and Ullah, M. N. (2019), Exploring the Underlying Factors Affecting Capital Structure Decision: A Quantitative Analysis, The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, Vol. 30, Issue 4, pp. 69-84.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2018), Contextualizing Planning and Budgeting Systems: Public Sector Experience, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 27-53.
Shil, N. C. (2017), An Unheard Call for Bridging Ethics and Governance: Save the Planet, Problems of Management in the 21st Century, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 4-6.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2017), Performance Measurement Systems in the Context of New Public Management: Evidence from Australian Public Sector and Policy Implications for Developing Countries, Problems of Management in the 21st Century, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 7-19.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2017), Public Sector Reforms and New Public Management: Exploratory Evidence from Australian Public Sector, Asian Development Policy Review, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-16.
Super, S. O. and Shil, N. C. (2017), Determinants of Quality Accounting Information Disclosure, Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 79-86.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2016), Innovation in Public Sector Management Control Systems in the Context of New Public Management: A Case of an Australian Public Sector Organization, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI), Vol. 12, Issue 4, pp. 99-125.
Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2016), Enterprise Agility on Consumption Value: Bringing Satisfaction in New Product, European Business & Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 8-16.
Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2016), Systems of Accountability in Public Sector Organization Using NPM: An Exploratory Evidence, American Journal of Business, Economics and Management, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 163-169.
Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2015), Researching the Level of Diffusion of Selective Management Accounting Techniques by Bangladeshi Firms, Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, Bucharest University of Economics Studies, Romania, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 704-731.
Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2014), Management Accounting Today: A Perspective for Tomorrow, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Accounting Research Institute (ARI), Universiti Teknologi Mara, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp. 37-68.
Shil, N. C. and Das, B. (2012), Right Product Pricing: Application of Activity Based Costing and Economic Value Added as an Integration Tool, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 44, Nov. 2012, pp. 10826-10833.
Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2012), Application of Activity Based Costing in Manufacturing Companies in Bangladesh: A Survey Based Study, The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, University of Suceava, Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, 2012, Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 170-182.
Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, S. S. (2012), An Assessment of Firm Characteristics on Financial Disclosure: Insurance Industry in Bangladesh, International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting (IJMFA), Inderscience Publications, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 215-237.
Shil, N. C. and Das, B. (2012), Satisfaction management in retail financial services: an analysis of the gap in perceived quality, International Journal of Financial Services Management, Inderscience Publications, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 256-271.
Shil, N. C., Ali, M. A. and Rahman, A. (2012), A Survey on Existing Vendor Selection Techniques, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Inderscience Publications, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 56-92.
Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2011), Employability Management: Is Higher Education in Crisis? The Annals of the "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava. Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, 2011, Vol. 11, issue 2(14), pp. 149-165.
Alam, M. F. and Shil, N. C. (2011), Fiscal Measures in the Bangladesh National Budget of 2009-10: An Appraisal of Income Tax, The IUP Journal of Public Finance, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 7-24.
Mishra, D. P., Jena, A. B. and Shil, N. C. (2011), India’s Foreign Trade during Liberalization Era: an Assessment, Journal of International Economic Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 39-50.
Shil, N. C. and Huda, M. M. (2011), Explicating Customer Satisfaction: A Survey on Private Commercial Banks, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. 41, Issue 4, April 2011, pp. 46-55.
Shil, N. C. (2011), Accounting Standards to Reform Reporting Environment, International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies, Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2011.
Shil, N. C. (2011), A conceptual and critical review of Accounting Standards in Bangladesh, International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies, Vol. 2, No. 4, April 2011, pp. 25-33.
Shil, N. C. (2011), A Study on Customer Delight in selected Commercial Banks in India, International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, Feb 2011, pp. 40-53.
Shil, N. C. and Das, B.n (2010), Product Planning through HOQ, The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 61-75.
Ali, M. A., Shil, N. C., Nine, M. S. Q. Z., Khan, M. A. K. and Hoque, M. H. (2010), Vendor Selection Using Fuzzy Integration, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, Taylor and Francis Online, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 376-382.
Shil, N. C. (2010), Customized Supplier Selection Methodology: An Application of Multiple Regression Analysis, Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, Taylor and Francis Online, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 58-70.
Shil, N. C., Alam, M. F. and Naznin, M. (2010), Cost and Management Accounting Practices in Bangladesh: A Survey, International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting (IJMFA), Inderscience Publications, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 364-382.
Shil, N. C., Ali, M. A., and Paiker, N. R. (2010), Robust Customer Satisfaction Model using QFD, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management (IJPQM), Inderscience Publications, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 112-136.
Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2009), A Look into the Disclosure Improvements on CSR Reporting in Bangladesh, Malaysian Accounting Review, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 67-83.
Shil, N. C. (2009), A Case on Vendor Selection Methodology: An Integrated Approach, Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management (JTSCM), University of Johannesburg, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 80-95.
Shil, N. C., Debasish, S. S., and Alam, M. F. (2009), Impact of Global Financial Crisis in South Asian Economy: With Special Emphasis to India, AIMA Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 3, Issue. 3/4, August 2009.
Alam, M. F. and Shil, N. C. (2009), An Assessment of Non-Tax Revenue Sources in Bangladesh, The Icfai University Journal of Public Finance, Vol. 7, No. 3-4, 2009, pp. 65-82.
Das, B., Pramanik, A. K. and Shil, N. C. (2009), Implications and Applications of IFRS 4: Insurance Contracts – A Review of Asian Countries, Journal of Accounting and Finance, The Research Development Association Jaipur (India), Vol. 23, No. 1, 2009, pp. 90-108.
Shil, N. C. (2009), Management of Optimum Supplier Selection Process, Indian Management Research Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2009, pp. 4-18.
Shil, N. C. (2009), Explicating 5S: Make you Productive, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 33-47.
Debasish, S. S., Shil, N. C. (2009), Key Discriminators of Bank Profitability, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 98-110.
Shil, N. C. (2009), Extended Fuzzy Front End in New Product Development Process, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2009, pp. 79-97,.
Alam, M. F. and Shil, N. C. (2009), VAT in Bangladesh, International VAT Monitor, 2009, pp. 124-130.
Shil, N. C. and Alam, M. F. (2009), Corporate Governance Reporting Style and Status by the Listed Companies in Dhaka Stock Exchange, AIMA Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 3, Issue 1/4, 2009.
Shil, N. C. (2009), Performance Measures: An Application of Economic Value Added, International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 169-177.
Shil, N. C. (2009), Micro Finance for Poverty Alleviation: A Commercialize View, International Journal of Economics and Finance (IJEF), Vol. 1, No. 2, 2009, pp. 191-205.
Shil, N. C., Das, B. and Pramanik, A. K. (2009), Harmonization of Accounting Standards through Internationalization, International Business Research (IBR), Vol. 2, No. 2, 2009, pp. 194-201.
Shil, N. C., and Das, B. (2009), Analysis of Gap in Service Quality through SERVQUAL: A Case of Deposit Service Provided by a Bank in Bangladesh, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. 39, No. 6, 2009, pp. 3-11.
Das, B., Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2009) Convergence of Accounting Standards: Internationalization of Accounting, International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 78-84, January 2009.
Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2008), Corporate Environmental Accounting and Reporting in Bangladesh, Indian Journal of Accounting, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2008, pp. 22-30
Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2008), Accounting for Good Corporate Governance, Indian Journal of Public Enterprise, Vol. 23, No. 44, 2008, pp. 93-103.
Shil, N. C. (2008), Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Arsenic Water Supply Project in Bangladesh, International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 175-185, November 2008.
Shil, N. C. and Das, B. (2008), A Study of Customer Satisfaction with Regard to Banking: An Application of QFD, The ICFAIAN Journal of Management Research, Vol. 7, No. 8, 2008, pp. 7-26.
Das, B., Mohanty, S. and Shil, N. C. (2008), Mutual Fund vs. Life Insurance: Behavioral Analysis of Retail Investors, International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 89-103.
Pramanik, A. K., Shil, N. C. and Das, B. (2008), Corporate Environmental Reporting: An Emerging Issue in the Corporate World, International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 146-154.
Das, B., Mohanty, S. and Shil, N. C. (2008), Categorizing Consumers’ Buying Behavior: A Factor Analysis in Consumer Durable Market, International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Vol. 3, No. 9, pp. 147-156.
Shil, N. C. (2008), Accounting for Good Corporate Governance, Journal of Administration and Governance (JOAAG), Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 22-31.
Shil, N. C. (2008), Interim Reporting Practices in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study on Dhaka Stock Exchange, International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences (IJNSS), Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 26-31.
Shil, Nikhil Chandra, Hoque, Mahfuzul and Akter, Mahmuda (2020), ‘Sophistication in Product Costing System: A Proposed Contingency Framework’, Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 47-69.
Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2019), Budget as an Artifact for Deficit Reduction under New Public Management: Appraisal of National Budget of Bangladesh Drawing from Theoretical insights of societal ontology of Theodore Schatzki, The Cost & Management, Vol. 47, No.3, May-June, pp. 25-35.
Shil, Nikhil Chandra, Hoque, Mahfuzul and Akter, Mahmuda (2018), ‘Understanding Gaps in Management Accounting Practices: Exploratory Evidence in an Emerging Economy’, Journal of Business Studies (Special International Edition), Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 59-89.
Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2018), Is Sustainability Reporting in Public Sector a Fashion or Legitimation? An Isomorphic Interpretation, The Cost and Management, Vol. 46, No. 2, March-April, pp. 14-26.
Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2018), Program Budgeting might be an Untold Story of Innovation for Public Financial Management in Bangladesh: A Habermasian Critical Theory Perspective, The Cost and Management, Vol. 46, No. 3, May-June, pp. 22-33.
Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2018), A Journey Towards Sustainable Development Agenda 2030: An Analysis through Theoretical Lens of Pierre Bourdieu in a Developing Country Perspective, The Cost and Management, Vol. 46, No. 4, July-August, pp. 14-27.
Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2017), Social Construction of Budgeting and New Public Management: An Interpretive Sociology Approach, The Cost and Management, Vol. 45, No. 3, May-June, pp. 25-31.
Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2016), Journey towards Growth and Prosperity: A Critical Review on Budget on 2016-17, The Cost and Management, Vol. 44, No. 3, May-June, pp. 20-29.
Shil, N. C. (2015), Expectation Gap and Pre-Financial Reporting Act Regime, The Cost and Management, Vol. 43, No. 3, May-June, pp. 45-52.
Shil, N. C. (2015), Cost and Management Accounting Profession in Bangladesh in Retrospect: Beyond the Imagination, The Cost and Management, Vol. 43, No. 4, July-August, pp. 5-11.
Shil, N. C. (2015), Stewardship, Transparency, Accountability and Reporting (STAR) Framework: A Journey of Enlightening, The Cost and Management, Vol. 43, No. 6, November-December, pp. 5-12.
Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2014), Critical observations on Management Accounting Practice Gap in Bangladesh: An Outcome of Selective Interviews, The Cost and Management, Vol. 42, No. 5, September-October 2014, pp. 19-25.
Shil, N. C. and Shil, S. (2013), Income Tax Measures under Finance Act 2013: An Assessment and Expectation, The Cost and Management, Vol. 41, No. 4, July-August 2013, pp. 19-22.
Dhar, T. T. and Shil, N. C. (2012), Human Resource Accounting – A Look into the Theory, Presidency University Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan 2012, pp. 121-140.
Shil, N. C.; Das, B. and Pramanik, A. K. (2010), Implications of IFRS 4 (Insurance Contracts) in Asian Countries: A Critical Review, Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 31, No. 2, June 2010, pp. 205-227.
Debasish, S. S., Das, B. and Shil, N. C. (2010), Impact of Index Future Trading on Spot Market in India, Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, Volume 31, No. 1, 2010, pp. 137-153.
Shil, N. C. and Alam, M. F. (2009), Trade-off between Waiting Cost and Service Cost through Waiting Time Analysis: An Application of Single Server Single Phase Single Line Model, The Cost and Management, Volume 37, Number 3, May-June 2009, pp. 21-24.
Shil, N. C. and Osman, A. R. (2007), Quality Function Deployment for Customer Satisfaction in Banking Services, Daffodil International University Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 2, No 2, July 2007, pp. 105-118.
Das, B. and Shil, N. C. (2007), Strengthening SMEs to Make Export Competitive, Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka), Volume 02, Issue 01-02, January-December 2007, pp. 54-64.
Pramanik, A. K., Shil, N. C. and Das, B. (2007), Environmental Accounting and Reporting: With Special Reference to India, The Cost and Management, Vol. 35, No. 6, Nov-Dec. 2007, pp. 16-28.
Shil, N. C. and Parvez, M. (2007), Life Cycle Costing: As An Alternative Selection Tool, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 9, June 2007, pp. 49-68.
Islam, M. S., Shil, N. C. and Mannan, M. A. (2005), Non Performing Loans – It’s Causes, Consequences and Some Learning, Stamford Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 1, Issue 2, December 2005, pp. 100-116.
Shil, N. C. and Iqbal, M. (2005), Environmental Disclosure – A Bangladesh perspective, The Cost and Management, Vol. 33, No. 4, July-August 2005, pp. 85-93.
Hoque, M., Akter, M. and Shil, N. C. (2004), Value Based Measure: An Application of EVA in Small Manufacturing Company in Bangladesh, Journal of the Institute of Bankers Bangladesh, Vol. 51, No. 2, December 2004, pp. 135-155.
Shil, N. C., Masud, M. Z. and Alam, M. F. (2022), Bangladesh Income Tax: Theory and Practice [ISBN: 984-300-000975-5], Shams Publications, Fifteenth Edition.
Shil, N. C. and Das, B. (2017), Financial Management: A Strategic Perspective, Sage Publications, ISBN: 978-93-515-0999-8.
Das, B., Shil, N. C. and Das, S. (2017), Auditing and Corporate Governance, Kalyani Publishers, India.
Research Book
Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2011), Corporate Environmental Accounting, Auditing and Reporting, Manglam Publishers & Distributors, Delhi [ISBN: 978-81-89972-30-1]
Editorial Book
Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2011), Contemporary Research in Cost and Management Accounting Practices: The Twenty First Century Perspective, North American Business Press, Toronto-Miami-Seattle [ISBN: 978-0-9828434-2-0].
Research Monograph
Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2012), Accounting for Value Added: A Reporting and Regulatory Framework, LAP Publications, Germany, ISBN: 3659001082 (10 digit), 978-3659001086 (13 digit), 2012
Shil, N. C. (2011), Capital Management: A Story of Success and Failure, LAP Publications, Germany, ISBN: 3845432225 (10 digit), 978-3-845-43222-9 (13 digit)
Shil, N. C. and Parvez, M. (2010), Life Cycle Costing: Techniques and Applications (Choosing the Most Economic Project), VDM Publications, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-639-23430-5.
Shil, N. C. and Parvez, M. (2010), Small and Medium Enterprises: A Research Note, VDM Publications, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-639-27769-2.
Study Guide
Shil, N. C. and Masud, M. Z. (2015), Principles of Accounting, The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh.
Shil, N. C. (2015), Business Communications, The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh.
Shil, N. C. (2014), Taxation, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh.
Book Chapters
Shil, Nikhil Chandra; Hoque, Zahirul and Chowdhury, Anup (2021), Public Budgeting in Bangladesh: An Earnest Quest for Transparency and Accountability. In Zahirul Hoque (Ed.), Public Sector Reform and Performance Management in Emerging Economies: Outcome Based Approaches in Practice, Routledge, London.
Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2015), Influence of Decision-Making Goal and Accurate Product-Costing Goal on the Design of Sophisticated Costing Systems: Proposal of Multi-Goal Coordination Approach, Edited by Yasuhiro Monden, Prof.-Emeritus, Tsukuba University Yoshiteru Minagawa, Prof. Nagoya Gakuin University, Lean Management of Global Supply Chain, Japanese Management and International Studies Vol. 12, 2015, pp. 251 - 280
Shil, N. C. (2012), Global Financial Crisis in South Asia: Today and Tomorrow, In Recession and Its Aftermath: Adjustments in the United States, Australia, and the Emerging Asia, edited by NMP Verma, Springler India, 2012.
Hoque, M.; Shil, N. C., and Akter, M. (2011), Application of QFD in Budgetary Planning in Educational Facility: A Proposal Contemporary Research in Cost and Management Accounting Practices: The 21st Century Perspective, edited by Nikhil Chandra Shil and Alok Kumar Pramanik, North American Business Press, 2011.
Shil, N. C. and Ali, M. A. (2011), Sophistication in Management Accounting Practices using Neural Networks in Contemporary Research in Cost and Management Accounting Practices: The 21st Century Perspective, edited by Nikhil Chandra Shil and Alok Kumar Pramanik, North American Business Press, 2011.
Shil, N. C. (2011), ‘Accounting Standards in Bangladesh: A Conceptual and Critical Review’ in Accounting Standards and Convergence Scenario edited by Prof. Alok Kumar Pramanik, Head, Department of Commerce, Bhatter College, Dantan.
Shil, N. C. (2009), ‘EVA Basics’ in Economic Value Added edited by Bhagaban Das and Alok Kumar Pramanik, Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi, 2009, pp 175-193.
Shil, N. C. (2008), ‘Corporate Environmental Accounting and Reporting’ in Contemporary Environmental Accounting: Issues, Concepts and Practices edited by Alok Kumar Pramanik, Kanishka Publications, New Delhi, pp. 102-126.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2019), Sophistication in Product Costing System: A Proposed Contingency Framework, Fourth International Conference on Business and Economics under the theme Spectrum of Opportunities through Innovation and Technology organized by Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka held on October 29-30.
Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2018), Revisiting Management Accounting Practice Gap: A Proposed PERAPPGAP Model, Third International Conference on Business and Economics under the theme Shaping the Future through Inclusive Development organized by Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka held on October 9-10. This paper has received Best Paper Award.
Nine, M. S. Q. Z., Khan, M. A. K., Hoque, M. H., Ali, M. A.; Shil, N. C. and Sorwar, G. (2009), Vendor Selection using Fuzzy C Mean Algorithm and Analytic Hierarchy Process, 2009 IEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, August 20-24, 2009, ICC Jeju, Jeju Island, Korea.
Uddin, M. R., Shil, N. C., Ali, M. A. and Ali, M. S. (2010), Fuzzy Clustering in Corporate Governance, 2010 IEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, June 28-30, 2010, Grand Capthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore.
Sharmeen, S., Ali, M. A., Ripon, S. H., Kabir, M. H., Shil, N. C. (2012), Vendor selection using genetic algorithm, in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS) and 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS), 2012 Joint 6th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1877-1881, 20-24 Nov. 2012.
Shil, N.C. and Chowdhury, A. (submitted), Management Accounting Practices in Emerging Economy: Evidence from a Field Study, Asian Journal of Business and Accounting Under Review
Shil, N.C.; Hoque, Z. and Kamal, T. (submitted), The reality of auditor independence in crisis: A phenomenological inquiry, Auditing: An International Journal Under Review