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EWU Crickers Cup 2022

On 3rd September 2022 to 6th September 2022, East West University Sports Club (EWUSC) had got the privileged of hosting ‘EWU Crickers Cup 2022 with a magnific opening ceremony held on 1st September,2022 at the open courtyard of EWU premises.

A total number of 13 Departments and the faculty/admin team had participated in that tournament. There were four groups, each group contained three teams except group A, which had four teams. Each Team had played 3 matches where winning teams qualified for the semifinal.

In the semifinal round, the Department of ECE and the Department of Business Administration met each other and played to qualify for the final. On the other side Department of EEE and the Department of Pharmacy played each other to qualify for the final. The Department of Business Administration and the Department of Pharmacy made their journey to the final. Where the Department of Business Administration was the Champion, and the Department of Pharmacy became Runner-up. At the end, Moderator of this club MHM Imrul Kabir awarded the Champion and the Runner-up team as well. For the whole time being, the students and participants enjoyed all the event very much.